Joylynn Howie
1 min readApr 22, 2017


So, we are just expected to take your word for it even though transgenders have not given us anything even close to alternate definitions of “male” and “female” so we can decide if we believe them? Biology furnishes us with a check list of measurable things to determine if a sexually reproducing organism (yes, that includes humans) is male or female. Gender stereotypes also give us a checklist to base whether a human is “male” or “female”. Its superficial and fake but it is culturally accepted (unfortunately) and western culture is familiar enough with it to use it. You just want us to take your word for it even though society doesn’t recognize that there is anything more to gender than biology and stereotypes and you can’t explain what else you think there is so we can decide for ourselves if we want to adopt your definition (yes, we do get a choice just like with everything else people want us to believe on faith). For example, in your 3 things listed regarding gender you have biology (which transgenders ignore), internal psychology (which you can’t tell the rest of us what you base your beliefs on), and how conforming you are to societies views of gender (If that’s anything other than stereotypes I’d love to hear it). I don’t believe things just because someone tells me too. That’s no different than religion and liberals certainly would not demand that I adopt a religion .

