Ystud Privacy and Data Policy

Ystud App
7 min readAug 12, 2015


Data Use Policy

Information we receive about you:

We recieve a number of different types of information about you, including:
Your information
Your information is the information that is required when you sign up for the Ystud, as well as the information you choose to share.
• Your registration information:
When you sign up for Ystud, you are required to provide information such as your name and email address.
• Information you choose to share:
Your information also includes information you choose to share on Ystud, such as when you post on a feed, chat with another user, or add a photo. It also includes the information you choose to share when you communicate with us, such as when you contact us using an email address, or import your contacts. Your name, profile pictures, email address, and networks are treated just like information you choose to make public.

Other information we recieve about you:
We also recieve other types of information about you:
• We receive data about you whenever you use or are running Ystud, such as when you send or receive a message, search for another student, click on, view or otherwise interact with things.
• When you post things like pictures on Ystud, we may recieve additional data (or metadata), such as the time, date, and place you sent a message, or posted on a feed, and we reserve the right to post screenshots on our social media channels.
• We receive data from or about the computer, mobile phone, or other devices you use to install Ystud apps or to access Ystud, including when multiple users log in from the same device. This may include network and communication information, such as your IP address or mobile phone number, and other information about things like your internet service, operating system, location, the type (including identifiers) of the device or browser you use, or the pages you visit.
• We receive data whenever you visit a game, application, or website that uses the Ystud Platform or visit a site with a Ystud feature (such as a social plugin), sometimes through cookies. This may include the date and time you visit the site; the web address, or URL, you’re on; technical information about the IP address, browser and the operating system you use.
• Sometimes we get data from our affiliates or our advertising partners, customers and other third parties that help us (or them) deliver ads, understand online activity, and in general make Ystud better. For example, an advertiser may tell us information about you in order to measure the effectiveness of ads.

Information that is always publicly available:
• The types of information listed below are always publicly available:
o Your Name
o Your Profile Pictures
o Your classes and groups
o Your posts on feeds
How we use the information we receive:
We use the information we receive about you in connection with the services and features we provide to you and other users like your friends, our partners, the advertisers that purchase ads on the site, and the developers that build applications and websites you use. For example, in addition to helping people see and find things that you do and share, we may use the information we receive about you:
• As part of our efforts to keep Ystud products, services and integrations safe and secure;
• To protect Ystud or others’ rights or property;
• To provide you with location features and services, like telling you and your friends when something is going nearby;
• To measure or understand the effectiveness of ads you and others see, including to deliver relevant ads to you;
• To make suggestions to you and other users o Ystud; and
• For internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research and service improvement.
Granting us permission to use your information not only allows us to provide Ystud as it exists today, but it also allows us to provide you with innovative features and services we develop in the future. While you are allowing us to use the information we receive about you, you always own all of your information. We do not share information we receive about you unless we have received your permission or given you notice, such as by telling you about it in this policy.

Deleting your account:
If you want to stop using your account, you can delete your account. When you delete your account, it is permanently deleted off Ystud. Other users will not be able to search for you, or start chats with you. Your past posts and uploaded information will remain on Ystud. It is your responsibility to individually delete each one of your posts before you delete you account if you do not want any of your information on Ystud any longer.

Sharing and finding you on Ystud:
Always think before you post. Just like anything else you post on the web or send in an email, information you share on Ystud can be copied or re-shared by anyone who can see it.

To make it easier for your friends to find you, we allow anyone with your contact information (such as email address or telephone number) to find you through the Ystud on a search bar, as well as other tools we provide, such as contact importers — even if you have not shared your contact information with them on Ystud. But remember that people can still find you or a link to your Ystud account through other people and the things they share about you or through other posts. Your settings do not control whether people can find you or a link to your account when they search for content they have permission to see.

Other information:
Other students may share information about you. This information may include your personal information, your posts, your photos, or other information. If you do not like a particular post, tell them or report the post to support@ystud.com.

Adding and leaving a group or class:
On Ystud you can add yourself to any group or class that has been created on Ystud. At any time, you can delete any group or class to not be part of it any longer.

On account creation:
When you first create an account, Ystud announces to every user at your school that you have joined by posting your name in the main school feed.

Cookies, pixels and other similar technologies:
Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer, mobile phone or other device. Pixels are small blocks of code on webpages that do things like allow another server to measure viewing of a webpage and often are used in connection with cookies. We use technologies like cookies, pixels, and local storage (like on your browser or device, which is similar to a cookie but holds more information) to provide and understand a range of products and services.

We use these technologies to do things like:
• Make Ystud easier and faster to use
• Enable features and store information about you (including on your device or in your browser cache) and your use of Ystud
• Deliver, understand and improve advertising
• Monitor and understand the use of our products and services
• Protect you, others, and Ystud.

Other things you need to know:

If you have any questions or disputes, please contact us. If you have any questions or complaints regarding this policy or our practices please contact us at support@ystud.com.

Responding to legal requests and preventing harm:
We may access, preserve and share your information in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects users in that jurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognized standards. We may also access, preserve and share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you and others, including as part of investigations; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. Information we receive about you, including financial transaction data related to purchases made with Ystud, may be accessed, processed and retained for an extended period of time when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, governmental investigation, or investigations concerning possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm. We also may retain information from accounts disabled for violations of our terms for at least a year to prevent repeat abuse or other violations of our terms.

Finding other users:
We offer tools to help you upload your friends’ contact information so that you and others can find other students on Ystud, and invite other students who do not use Ystud to join, and so we can offer you better experiences on Ystud through suggestions and other customized experiences.
When you invite a friend to join Ystud, we may send a message on your behalf using your name, and we may also include names and pictures of other people. We may also send a few reminders to those you invite.
We may share information we receive with businesses that are legally part of the same group of companies that Ystud is part of, or that become part of that group (often these companies are called affiliates). Likewise, our affiliates may share information with us as well. This sharing is done in compliance with applicable laws including where such applicable laws require consent. Our affiliates and we may use shared information to help provide, understand, and improve our services and their own services.
Security and bugs:
We do our best to keep your information secure. We try to keep Ystud up, bug-free and safe, but can’t make guarantees about any part of our services or products.
Change of Control:
If the ownership of our business changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner so they can continue to operate the service. But they will still have to honor the commitments we have made in this Policy.
Account Termination:
Ystud reserves the right to terminate your account at any time, for any reason. If your account is terminated, you have the right to appeal the termination by contacting us at support@ystud.com. If your account is terminated, your account will be deleted similar to the same way if you choose to delete your own account. Your past posts and information will remain on Ystud, unless we decide to delete your information as well.

Notice of Changes:
If we make changes to this policy, we will notify you by changing the ‘Last Updated’ date below.

LAST UPDATED: February 07, 2015




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