7 ways to maintain your concentration

3 min readSep 16, 2017


Previously, I talked about the way how to make “flow” condition in your brain and access your deep absorption when you focus on doing something without interruption.

If you haven’t read the previous post, you can check it out .

13 ways to access your deep absorption (concentration)

What everyone is going to be worried about after learning the technique to make deep concentration will probably be how to maintain your concentration when you are in “flow”.

So today, I am going to talk about 7 ways to maintain your concentration.

1, Your concentration inhabits where you are.

Decide the place and what you are going to do , and make its list. If you have a possibility to play games with your smart phone, I strongly recommend to have 2 smart phones. Separate those two smart phones by the purpose of using.

If you have a strong habit that prevents you from quitting at all, you try to put the smart phone where it takes you 20 seconds to get it or put it in a lockable drawer and lock it up, or put game apps in a folder by batch and remove these from the home screen.

Eliminate every possible risk factors that interrupt your concentration.

2 Set a timer not to do anything you worry about halfway

When your “flow” condition comes to get out of breath, you start worrying about something gradually. This is a border of concentration and if you start doing something that you worry about, your concentration will completely be interrupted. So you set a timer for 15 minutes and decide to focus only on the thing in front of you during the 15 minutes. After this 15 minutes, you can do something else. This is most effective way I was able to maintain my concentration.

However, you’d rather not use this technique when your work need your creativity because your idea will mess.

3, Keep a balance between result expectations and effective performances

“Result expectation” is the expectation that you can do it and contrarily, “effective performances” is the performance that you have a confidence to do it. The balance between these two factors is really important. Setting up a too big goal convinces us of quitting making an constant effort to achieve it because our brain tells us it’s impossible decisively.

When you build up experiences that you accomplish goals, your effective performance will naturally enhance. So when you set up a goal, be conscious of how much confidence you have at that moment.

4, Add a comment to what you did

Adding a comment to what you did is really useful for maintaining your concentration. The most important thing is to record subjectively how and how far you can get closer to the goal you set with today’s work. This record will connect to your high motivation for long term and eventually you can enhance your concentration.

5, Write down what you really don’t know and organize it.

When you do something which is totally not in your field, you should begin with writing something and organize it first. Meanwhile, you can proceed to the next step unexpectedly. Firstly you have 70% of what you don’t know but if you write it down on the paper, your unknown things reduce in 50%.

6, Learn the characteristic of rewarding and accomplishment

It is called “undermining effect and enhancing law”. The former is the phenomenon that rewarding discourages people and the latter is the phenomenon that rewarding encourages people. When you manage a task or until you get a promotion to a certain position, you need a reward to keep your motivation but if you do something you love to do, not rewarding but accomplishment will transfer into your motivation.

7, Meditate deeply for more than 11 hours in total

At first you should start meditation for 5 minutes. Its method is really easy. Stretch your back while you relax and repeat deep breathing several times as closing your eyes. Take 5 seconds to draw your breath and take 5 seconds to exhale your breath slowly. Concentrate on nothing you think. There is research findings that have clarified concentration enhanced when the time on meditation exceeded 11 hours in total and moreover, if you meditate 20 minutes a day, concentration maintains 1.5 times longer than usual. This is really effective way.

