How to Take Charge of Your Email Marketing Campaign for Exceeding Sales.

Yuimi Vashum
2 min readFeb 26, 2015


Email marketing is alive as ever, because Internet marketing now has shifted from globalization to personalization. According to Forbes, personalization is the marketing tsunami.

So what better way to personalize than a well planned-out email marketing campaign?

What inspired me to dig up on this topic was, when I got my weekly newsletters from Venngage Infographics on how they got 200k+ signups with an infographic. It was convincing and at the same time so engaging that I was prompted to check out further.

My Reaction: Wanted to See how they did it instantly!

Simultaneously, I also received a newsletter from after I signed up there. It sounded so promotional that I ended up scrolling past it. Although I admit that I later realized that they had pretty good contents in it too.

My reaction: Boring Subject + Sounded too promotional

As they say that email marketing is a conversation about your business at a more personal environment, from website to inbox, I preferred reading Venngage’s more.

It is important to note how Google’s compartmentalization of Gmail inbox has made email marketers tad more cautious.

Clubbed together with other promotional and over pitched mails, it becomes a challenge for the marketer to up his emails’ open rates. This brings us to the ground reality of what works in any email marketing campaign, and what doesn't.

After several hours of Googling up for tips on effective marketing campaign, I stumbled upon The Most Important Elements of an Email Campaign. Now, I do not have to write a whole article, or put you under a stress of a 10 minutes when this infographic makes everything so scannable and absorbable within 2 minutes. From engaging titles to the follow ups, the information you get on Internet is absolutely enormous. And all that has been summarized beautifully in this picture.

I have Google to thank for that, the ultimate Research engine it is!

Doesn't that explain everything blow-by-blow?

The Infographic is self explanatory, and should definitely help any marketer plan better. If you have any further suggestions, or ideas, please do share in the comments.

The budding content marketer in me would be waiting, eagerly.



Yuimi Vashum

Entrepreneur | Co Owner | Content enthusiast turned writer | Fascinated by anything kooky & loony | If not writing, busy handling Public Relations