Yuriy Kudakov
5 min readApr 10, 2017

Aeternity — The Oracle Machine


Aeternity is a new project with witty opportunities combining block technology and oracle machines. What makes it possible to make unlimited number of transactions in real time. This is made possible by the use of the latest technologies: such as “state channels” and turing-complete smart contracts. In addition, smart contracts get the ability to easily exchange data with the outside world. Decentralized oracles provide a powerful tool for connecting to the real world, and the unique management system-Futharkhi, in which the miners vote, and the holders bet on the decision, takes it all to the next level.

And now consider the use of Aeternity in everyday life and in some areas of society, for example:

Aeternity can use this industry in its own interests, the main thing here is trust, thanks to the blocking and automation of the accounting report, aeternity guarantees the unalterable work that the information recorded in the blockade is a hope and unchanged, devoid of people’s influence and errors. This is exactly what insurers could use, track transactions from a specific address for the user, seeing their balances, certifying that everything is normal to cover their financial obligations. This leads to free, transparent and public information.

Nevertheless, most blockchain have the disadvantage of being a closed system, operating on data provided exclusively by internal processes. But thanks to the oracles of Aeternity, this is no longer a problem. Oracle can exchange information with the outside world of blockchain. Thus, you can refer to different values ​​of the environment of interest to network members. Those. You can find information outside the blockchain for making decisions in intellectual contracts.

Traditional financial institutions, including banks, can also benefit from integration? Ternity. Thanks to state channels, Aeternity provides a sort of hybrid blockchain in which government transactions reflected in the main chain can be performed, as well as private transactions, available only to those users who use these channels.

But secrecy is not the only advantage that will be obtained from these channels. Operations in the main network are carried out in real time and at minimal cost.

Online gambling, another sector where the aetrnity platform can help optimize processes.

Describing how the forecasting market works and the oracle Aeternity can be summarized as follows: users make bets that a certain event will happen in a certain way, the oracle checks and rewards those who made the right bid, automates the payment process and records the transaction immediately in blockchain.

However, it should be noted that Aeternity remains faithful to one of the core values ​​of Bitcoin: decentralization. Aeternity admits that the service remains decentralized with an integrated oracle, increasing trust and transparency in a sector that has always been closed and complicated for monitoring.

When contact with new partners in another country comes, there are many obstacles, because negotiations begin with distrust. Send the product before receipt of payment, or pay for the product before receipt — always creates a task whose solution contains the risks of fraud and non-payment when the goods are received, which leads to the use of letters of credit issued by banks and received in other banks, with the participation of third parties not related to Transaction, which lead to loss of time and money.

By implementing intellectual contracts with blockchain, the need for a third party in the process is excluded. The importer and exporter sets their terms in the contract and payments are automatically made at the time the product enters the port, not to mention that all processes can be displayed and recorded in the distribution book

These are just a few examples of using the many features that Aeternity helped to optimize. In fact, everything that is needed from the real world is in the public domain, such as commodity prices, climate data, election results, in particular, can be used as an information input to the oracle AEeernity

Money transactions are just the tip of the iceberg from the many opportunities for using blockchain and Aeternity itself.

The fundraising will take place in two stages.
The first stage — Pre-Sale, will be held from 3 to 6 April. At the moment, already collected more than $ 5 million.

The second stage for a wider range of people will begin on May 21 and will last 3 weeks

1 day: 1Eth = 800 AE
Week 1: 1Eth = 750 AE
Week 2: 1Eth = 700 AE.
Week 3: 1ETH = 650 AE.

How to participate in ICO Eternity? It’s very easy, just go https://wallet.aeternity.com/ and contribute to this platform via etherum, Bitcoin or even paper money.

autor: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=199703
eth address: 0xeCe5fF6D73bbE6c0116D4a6746BC25C121cB4968