Yuriy Kudakov
3 min readDec 7, 2017

HDAC. Innovative technology.

I would like to talk about Hdac, which is a very nice project that I personally take very careful attention to.

This project, which meets us with the slogan “First in the world, IoT contract and payment platform based on Blockchain”, attracts attention with technology promised.

Firstly, how a project’s architects define that project is extremely important for the first impression of it. They are bringing this project with the slogan of “process innovation”. In the project that collects several kinds of concepts based on advanced technology, what comes out of our minds and I will try to clarify them in this article which will be beneficial to us.

Let’s start from the moon and get clear for those who do not know: What is this IoT?

IoT means the internet of objects. The concept of IOT is that every object (electronic device) you can think of can access and access each other internets. All of the electronic objects we now use in our time are in the smart device category so that they can communicate with each other. In its cleanest form, the IOT concept expresses this to us. Which, according to my conviction, is the best part of this project.

The IOT industry is on the verge of a great growth today. The Hdac platform brings together the missing building blockchain that are necessary for sputtering and development of IOT environments. Hdac brings together the following three issues by combining Fintech, IoT and blockchain chain technology:

1- Authentication: Devices can properly diagnose another device

2- Planning: Once the device is identified, it can be connected seamlessly

3- Payment from device to device: Devices can bill each other

In fact, the Hdac platform is a project to achieve these three conditions, bringing together three important technologies. Therefore, we can see that they put forth a study which makes life easier and gives users time.

The Hdac system uses a combination of public and private blockchain chains, which allows access to a previously unachievable transaction rate. To ensure the safety of transactions, the Hdac system technology uses quantum number production and at the same time guarantees the efficiency and reliability of the IOT industry.

As is known, in the near future society will be much more connected with each other, and digital innovations will be constantly integrated into global economic systems. This new technology will be activated with a proper combination of IOT and blockchain technology. Both the market and consumers will demand financial transactions that are more reliable and more affordable. And this will cause the machine currencies that can be applied / used with blockchain technology to develop. In the very near future, it is expected that the blockchains and crypto money will be seen as reliable and efficient payment instruments for this system called IoT, the internet of objects. The confidence of the currency of the new economy.