30 Days to become a Scholar-Warrior, Day 10 — Do 10 Minutes of Mobility Work

Yusuf Ahmed
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2017

This is straight from the mouth of one of the forerunners in the physical therapy, rehab world, Dr. Kelly Starrett.

What do I mean by mobility work?

Mobility work is actively devoting time to maximize and retain your full range of motion in your joint structures through active mobilization, activation, and strengthening of muscles and musculoskeletal tissue.

Our lifestyles dictate the shape that our body takes. You can find several examples of people who’ve had changes in posture through the jobs that they work.

That desk jockey whose been slaving away at his desk for twenty years, has had his posture altered and specific aches and pains that resutl in people of that profession.

His lifestyle dictates the posture of his body.

That is…unless he does active mobilization to work on retaining the netural body position that his body will work best in the long haul.

The same goes for the railway worker whose constantly slogging away, hammering in new pieces of track, and hoisting large chunks of it for replacement.

The guy needs to take care of his shoulder otherwise it will lose its normal rhythmic motion that only occurs when all of the muscles that pull on it are in appropriate balance.

What happens when you’re not balanced?

Not only do you feel like garbage.

Not only can you experience pain.

Most importantly, you become WEAKER.

You become LESS fit to perform. You become LESS fit for function.

Do you have a family?

Are you honestly going to let yourself and those that you’re responsible for down by allowing yourself to become LESS fit to serve them, and all the others that you hold dear?

I know, no one has time.

Well make time.

Its not about the goals. Its first about the HABITS.

The habit is doing 10 minutes of mobility work.


Let that compound.

Feel better.

Move better.

Serve people….BETTER!

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