The 1st final pitch contest of Agripreneur Grand Prix

3 min readNov 30, 2014

Meet Agri-preneur and be a part of ecosystem of food and agricultural innovation.

Today, 30 Nov. 2014, - TOKYO Leave a Nest hosted first entrepreneur competition which named Agripreneur Grand Prix. This event is for founder of agritech or food related industries startup.

Leave a Nest is trying to make ecosystem for startup and also for established companies which are interested in innovation in agritech or food tech. We have strong background in agri science and have strong relationship with giants in agri or food companies.

How it works

One of the most distinguished feature of techplanter’s pitch contest lies in MENTORING PROCESS. Leave a Nest has strong mentoring support on your communication and business model design process. Teams who passed first paper application process would be offered for presentation training precess. We offer so many time and intense office hour. This is one of most norming and confusing and rushing time for startup. We know it is difficult to find out which business model will fit to your plan, but mentors in Leave a Nest will stand by you. You will be a good presenter, I’ll promise.


For 1st Agripreneur contest, we offered so-called “Golden Priority Ticket For Collaboration”. This community was sponser by Rohto, Yoshino-ya, Omron ventures, Yourou-no-taki and Euglena. They have strong platform for food startups.

The First Prize in today’s Agripreneur Grand Prix goes to iChigo! iChigo is a university oriented, technology startup. They have patented technology for packing strawberry for longlasting freshness which leads to preservation. since strawberry get worse immedeiately after harvesting, the preserving technology is needed. They will start a company withstanding with univeristy’s role. We encourage people in the university who invented great technology that has potential to improve food supply system. Hooray to iChigo and Dr. Kashiwazaki.

What comes NEXT

We will provide a chance to pitch in front of investors and potential business partner in DEMO DAY which held in next March. After Final pitch contest, team and Leave a Nest will spend storming time for business developement. If they need prototype developement, will do. If they need customer dev, will do. Any kind of activity to build up a solid standard for startup would be conduncted within 3–6 month. Our mentor will provide networks, incubation space in Sumida, and possibly seed funding ( if you have company).

We are accepting your business plan for next batch of tech planter

please access our website or check Facebook page for update.

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