Yield24 (Y24) Revolutionizing DeFi with Liquid Staking and Unprecedented Governance Tokens

3 min readJan 25, 2024



The decentralized finance (DeFi) space continues to evolve, and Yield24 (Y24) emerges as a standout player, introducing innovative solutions to optimize on-chain assets and redefine the landscape of decentralized applications. Y24’s unique approach revolves around liquid staking, native yield tokens, and a comprehensive set of features that position it as a potent force in the DeFi ecosystem.

Liquid Staking with BNB

Yield24 enables users to optimize on-chain assets, including BNB, ETH, BTC, and stable coins, at the consensus layer. One of its flagship offerings is the BNB Liquid Staking, where users can stake their BNB tokens through carefully selected validator nodes. Simultaneously, the protocol generates yBNB tokens, BEP-20 reward-earning tokens sent directly to users’ wallets. The yBNB tokens employ a daily rebasing mechanism, ensuring that staking rewards are consistently distributed, reflecting the accruing benefits in users’ wallets on a daily basis.

Integration of Liquid Staking Platforms

Y24 has seamlessly integrated two liquid staking platforms and validators on the BNB Chain. This strategic move enhances the protocol’s robustness and ensures a diverse and secure staking environment for users.

Governance with Liquid Staking Tokens

Governance tokens play a pivotal role in the growth of DeFi applications, and Y24 distinguishes itself by offering rare governance through liquid staking tokens. Unlike other projects, Y24 provides users with governance tokens that are not only powerful in decision-making but are also backed by the value accrued through liquid staking. This unique feature sets Y24 apart in the market.

Yield Optimization and Maximum Yield

Beyond being an L2 bridge, Y24 facilitates reinvestment for maximum yield. Users can leverage lending, borrowing, leverage staking, governance participation, and trenches to optimize their yields. With a potential yield of up to 56%, Y24 presents a comprehensive platform for users seeking to maximize returns on their investments.

Potential for Price Surge

Drawing parallels with successful DeFi projects like MakerDao, Aave, Lido, and Compound, Y24 positions itself as a project with the potential for substantial growth. The inclusion of liquid staking tokens in governance sets the stage for Y24 to experience a significant surge in its price, potentially reaching a 500% increase if governance tokens appreciate significantly.


Yield24 (Y24) emerges as a powerhouse in the DeFi space, offering a unique combination of liquid staking, native yield tokens, and governance features. As the decentralized finance landscape continues to evolve, Y24’s innovative approach positions it as a frontrunner, providing users with diverse opportunities for yield optimization and growth within the DeFi ecosystem.

For More Information About Yield24:

Project’s website- https://y24.io/

Twitter page- https://twitter.com/Y24io

Telegram group- https://t.me/y24io_official

Discord Group- https://discord.com/invite/5weY9EWZ

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yield24io/

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/@Yield24io

Medium- https://y24io.medium.com/

Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/Yield24


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