ZAZA offers a 5 star business suite …and kills the middleman!

3 min readJul 10, 2018


ZAZA Platform

Have you heard? The world was hit by a storm! Advancing pretty fast and causing severe damages on the way! It’s called ‘’Blockchain hurricane’’ and it’s going to disrupt the today’s economy. They say it’s going to be bigger than the internet…

Getting some insights from our supporters , there’s lots of buzz , around what blockchain is doing with the today’s middleman.

Nowadays to perform a transaction between a provider and a customer you may need definetely more than 1 middleman such as : payment gateaways , insurance , security , financial institutions, governmental institutions , Consulting services etc etc. The list goes on and on.

In the B2B industry ,we all know that the middleman rewards itself with a piece from the big cake by charging fees for every transaction made through them. And further more , did you know that accounts on these platfoms are not even transparent ? You don’t know who you are dealing with because ‘’the middleman’’ will not provide that information to you since it’s going to lose business out of it . This is why the biggest issue they have is Dispute Resolution.

Guess what drove this issue? Lack of Transparency and Trust!

Many ask us in this context: Is ZAZA another middleman ?

Every time the question pops up , imagine the scene from Scooby Doo cartoon where this guy pretends to be someone else and they pull the mask out of him and ahaaa : I knew you were a middleman!

Let me clear this out : You can call ZAZA by many names but middleman is not one of them.

Actually ,what we did is cut the middleman and offer a better, cheapper and smarter option for our users.

The question is not even about cutting all the middlemen, it’s about which exact middleman needs to be cut at a precise moment in the history of a transaction?

Every business has to earn money from applying a certain type of Business Model because unfortunately revenue doesn’t generate itself from the air we breathe.

But WHY ZAZA is not a middleman?

1- Blockchain cuts the need for the middlemen that provide : Proof of ownership, History of transaction , Secured transactions, Transparency & Error free procedures, Unchangeble conditions and deals.

2- No charge to register in our platform and transparent business profiles.

3- No charge for listing ads.

4- NO CHARGE to place your business Inquiry, receive categorized DEALS in real time, and transactions made on the platform unless you are using a Smart Contract.

5- Build your powerful Business Network. ZAZA allows you to connect transparently , collaborate , create partnerships whithout asking for anything in return. Imagine if you use ZAZA as a daily business tool! Explore the immense opportunities that the platform has to offer.

We just gave you a 5 star suite for free. Did we cut the middleman ? Yes we did. We offered a CHOICE! A much better and cheapper one!

So be choiceful and choose ZAZA!

Don’t forget to follow us on all our social media and chats :

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Thank you :)




ZAZA is decentralized BUSINESS PLATFORM and B2B SOCIAL NETWORK, powered by Blockchain.