Scooter Gennett is the Absolute Worst

First in a series in which I examine the absolute worst thing from Brewers games, whether I happen to watch them or not.

Z.T. Krogman
2 min readJul 11, 2016

If one puts stock in Fangraphs WPA ratings, Kirk Nieuwenhuis was the Least Valuable Player in the Brewers 5–1 loss to the Cardinals on Sunday. But I was at the game and Scooter Gennett was the absolute worst. He whiffed on a strange backhanded fielding attempt in the ninth that looked like a bad decision from the loge bleacher level of Miller Park. That led to two unearned runs, and the nail in the coffin for the Crew’s series win hopes. That and nobody looks worse swinging and missing at an off speed pitch. Scooter obliged with a couple of swings that led to him on one knee, shamed, in the batter’s box.

Of course, I cannot vouch for the veracity of that second statement. I remember it happened once, and I assume it happened more than once. It may even have happened as my attention was diverted. I tried to Snapchat my sister a couple of times. I also needed to bitch about Cardinals fans on Twitter at least once. I also did a lap around the stadium to stretch my legs and check out the team store with my companion rather than listen to “God Bless America” once again.

My lack of focus made me miss the majority of a Matt Adams home run. I only caught the majestic fly as it sailed in front of the upper portion of the foul pole and into the seats just below me. I don’t know what I was doing, but it was either sunflower seed or phone related. Not that I needed to see the visiting team tie up the game, but it annoys me when I let my attention wander during a ball game.

Some part of it has to do with the defensive posture that most baseball fans take these days in response to the accusation that baseball is boring. Any bout of lagging attention incites fears that the naysayers are correct. The truth is that baseball is relaxing and exciting all at the same time. I can sit on a warm sunny day following the action intently and then I can send a Snapchat to my sister of some silly stadium happening or other, and then find my way back in fairly quickly.

I suppose, this makes for a more complete stadium experience than just watching the game itself. Sometimes, I keep score because it does focus me on the action on the field. However, I never feel quite as satisfied with the stadium experience when I do. I would not have noticed the consternation that Scooters walk up music, some form of hip hop, caused in some older Cardinals fans, which even though Scooter Gennett is the absolute worst, still makes him the best.



Z.T. Krogman

Post-neofuturist. Former Arts & Entertainment Reporter for a campus newspaper.