What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency in your baby

3 min readApr 8, 2019


Calcium is closely related to the baby’s growth. If calcium deficiency has a great impact on the baby’s physical development, parents must pay attention to whether the child has calcium deficiency, otherwise it will seriously affect the child’s physical and intellectual aspects. Development, then what are the symptoms of calcium deficiency in your baby?https://www.thestagesofbabydevelopment.com/saving-procrastination-is-to-say-goodbye-to-perfectionism/

I cried at night, there are some children, it is easy to sleep at night when sleeping, and it is easier to cry, even at night, there is a special fear of awakening, and it is easy to continue to worry at night, then such a child is generally There is a problem of calcium deficiency.

Sweating more, especially when sleeping at night, even if the weather is not hot, but the baby’s body will feel a lot of sweat every time you touch it, and this sweating situation has little to do with temperature, then under the premise Parents should consider that the baby may have calcium deficiency. How baby brains develop

Irritable, the baby should be more active during the day, but there are often some children who show a particularly bad mood, even prone to irritability or restlessness, and are particularly uninterested in the surrounding things. It is also a very typical manifestation of a baby with calcium deficiency.

The teeth are late and the teeth are not aligned. The baby should generally start in six months, but there are often some children who have not had teeth after the age of one. Too late teeth are also generally caused by calcium deficiency in the body.

The baby has a partial eclipse and anorexia. When the baby is a little older, many parents may have such distress. The children of their own family do not like to eat, and the situation of picky eaters is particularly serious. Therefore, the problem that children have a particularly severe eclipse and picky eaters is likely to be lacking. Calcium.

Learning to walk late, in general, the time for the baby to learn to walk should not be too late, but if there are some babies, the obvious time is much longer than others, then parents should pay attention to whether the baby is missing due to the body The situation of calcium, so it is caused by walking?

Frequent stomachaches, careful parents may find that their family’s children often have stomach problems. If you have such symptoms, you can check if your baby has bugs, or if there are other symptoms, if these are If it is ruled out, then it is necessary to consider that it may be caused by calcium deficiency in the body.

The hair of the pillow is detached. If the baby is deficient in calcium, his hair will grow slowly, and the hair quality will be particularly poor. Especially if the baby has a circle of hair that is particularly sparse in the sleeping pillow area, then When such a problem arises, parents should promptly give calcium to their children.


Pay attention to the details and find the problem in time

Be sure to give your baby enough nutrition

