Handcuffed for no reason on the streets of Baltimore [update 1, update 2]

Zackary Sholem Berger
2 min readJan 20, 2016

[File under: What if I was black?
Also filed as a complaint with Baltimore police]

I wish to lodge a complaint against badge number 1884. I am a physician at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and a resident at North Calvert St in Charles Village. My 3-year-old daughter, who is sick, was with a babysitter at home, and I was on my way to the CVS Pharmacy at 25th and Charles streets to pick up some liquid tylenol. Just before crossing Charles, in front of Yum’s Asian Bistro, I was approached by a police officer.

The officer said, I’m going to need to handcuff you, and proceeded to cuff my hands behind my back without asking permission. He asked me, “Did you get a pill bottle from that guy?” when, in fact, I had not spoken to or made eye contact with anyone on my way from 28th and Calvert to 25th and Charles. He then asked me if I had gotten a cigarette from “that guy,” when I had spoken to no one. He searched me without my consent.

He then asked if I had ID. Rather than uncuffing me and letting me get my wallet, he proceeded to rifle through my pockets, taking my wallet out of my…

