Africa CDC is Five Years Old

zain verjee
4 min readMar 31, 2022


My Introduction at the Africa CDC birthday celebrations in Addis Ababa

At the Africa Union Building in Addis

Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

Karibuni. As we say in Swahili. Welcome. My name is Zain Verjee.

It’s been two years since i have attended an in-person event. I am so pleased that today’s anniversary celebrating africa cdc is my first one ! I’ve missed seeing my friends in addis, and enjoying the legendary coffee of the country !

Today is indeed a celebration ! A moment in our lives … to just take in … and reflect on what incredible work africa cdc has accomplished in the last five years since its creation.

Can’t have a birthday without a cake !

It’s dynamic leadership under Dr. John Nkengasong, and the passion, purpose and professionalism of the entire team has been deeply admirable. Fighting major diseases on every front, in every country on the continent, is herculean.

Despite limited resources, logistical and supply chain issues, and unique challenges on the ground at every turn … and still … they do the work ; they get the job done!

Let us take a moment … to applaud … all the hard working men and women, on the front lines, and in this room, who have lifted up the citizens of our continent. Often in the hour of their greatest need… and against tremendous odds. And making immense personal sacrifice for the greater public health good.

We salute you. And we thank you. Asante sana. Merci. Shukran.

Team Photo

It is my pleasure to invite dr. Nkengasong to say a few words now.

Western media at times refer to him as Africa’s Anthony Faucci. I beg to differ.

First of all, he is better looking.

Secondly, we think of him more affectionately, as dr. John.

And lastly he has had the greatest support from each and every president on this continent.

John has been a shining star for Africa. The moment the pandemic hit, dr. John was out there, fighting, campaigning and advocating for all of us to be safe… to survive an invisible deadly virus. Africa CDC brought in vaccines, coordinated their distribution, and educated the continent, separating fact from fiction.

Dr. John, i do not know when you sleep ! Whenever i call, you’re awake! No matter what time zone. That is a sign of commitment, dedication and resolve. Of purpose.

The next great chapter will be how africa cdc ensures vaccines are manufactured on our continent successfully, so we never have to experience the kind of vaccine inequity that africa endured the last two years.

We look forward to seeing africa cdc championing his great and important initiative.

You have all our support!

Dr. John is an avid football fan too. And i’m pleased to see Cameroon qualified for the world cup this year ! Hongera. Congrats. However i’m sure kenya will beat you.

Ladies and gentleman, please welcome dr. John nkengasong.

Seeing Dr. John for the first time in person!

The cooperation between Africa CDC and African Union member states has been remarkable. And is key to this continent’s fight against covid-19 and any future pandemic.

The African Union has taken huge strides in health security for the continent. The place where africa cdc was born was right here in fact. Without the support, and the vision of member states to create such an important institution, we would not be here today celebrating africa cdc’s birthday. Africa cdc has been a catalyst in fostering intra-african cooperation and pushed hard for the continent’s health self reliance.

Africa CDC has grown and thrived in the face of adversity. Major Ebola outbreaks in west africa fast tracked the creation of Africa CDC. Africa CDC came of age during the covid 19 pandemic.

What every single man and woman at africa cdc has achieved… and the countless lives they’ve saved …is a testament to what they can do for the future of the continent.

5 years ago members states convened to create the Africa centers for disease control and prevention, That vision has paid off today. Africa CDC is critical to the continent’s health and well being. So thank you once again on this fifth anniversary. Many lives would have been lost without your commitment and dedication.

Asante Sana. and Hongera. Congrats!

