Introducing the Luka Press Club

zain verjee
4 min readFeb 4, 2023

A Use Case for NFT storytelling with rewards @thelukaPC

Luka in Encinitas

We pressed pause. It had to be done. The crypto crash was real. The NFT space was imploding. Fear, uncertainty and doubt ravaged the space and we had to step back and watch the flame-out. The collapse of NFT collections that were previously a slam dunk with promised profitability, creativity and longevity went bust. It was a ruthless wake up call for my partner Billy and I, who were poised to launch the Luka Press Club one year ago.

The crypto winter has exposed many sordid aspects of this wild west, and for me, highlighted that many NFT collections were about the hype, with no proven use case, lack of team management experience or business strategy that provided value to holders. This has actually been good for the Luka Press Club. We had to get tough on ourselves. We realized we need to think harder, work harder and smarter.

About to leave for the open seas on a Catamaran

And the real Luka (above) told us to just freaking do it! He’s tired of waiting for his moment in the sun, and demanded his ship sail!

Austin Powers Luka

Our Value Proposition

We see a future where media is decentralized, audiences are participants in editorial, creative and business relationships. More marginalized stories are heard. The Luka Press Club is a way to get creative, connect with communities and be rewarded for it.

The Problem

Like you, we’ve heard it. We get it : Depending on what side of the fence your world view resides, the news is polarized, agenda driven, facts are twisted, misinformation is rampant, folks are angry and not listening. There’s a level of exhaustion, and limited options. Large media companies move slowly and are often out of touch with realities of audiences. Individual creators are developing astonishing art, particularly in the NFT, gaming and metaverse space and there’s an opportunity to change the storytelling game.

The Luka Press Club

This is a pilot NFT project. It works like this. A holder of a Luka reporter gets to be part of a community of storytellers around the world. You get to pitch a story you care about. If it’s approved by our editorial team, it will be created with your input. The end product will be a written, audio or video story lasting 60–90 seconds.

Current Strategy

We will drop a genesis collection of 40 handmade Luka Field Reporters on Open Sea. Our goal is:

a) To test the use case of an NFT press club concept. Is anyone going to actually do this with us, or are we living in our own imagination.

b) To co-create the process of story pitch to story execution.

c) To put skin in this game, and attract partners willing to grow with us.

d) To explore what a rewards based system would look like and how it would actually work (This will take us a little more time to genuinely work it out)

Road Map

Q1, 2023: Drop the genesis handcrafted artwork of the 40 Luka Press Club reporters and build membership utilities.

Q2, 2023: Drop the press pass collection and strengthen the Luka Press Club community.

Q3, 2023 : Greater social engagement and content partnerships.

Q4, 2023: A virtual event with rewards for holders. Announcement: drop generative Lukas with a major partner. These Luka characters range from the entire news ecosystem.

Giving Back

Winter Luka

We will support research into a serious heart disease condition of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (Luka has this bad heart problem and is on meds)

Robin Hood Luka

The Team:

Billy is a kick ass graphic designer. He worked as an editor for CNN on major breaking stories and prime time shows.


Zain is an entrepreneur who loves dogs and swimming. She used to be an anchor and reporter for CNN.


Luka is the star. He’s a cavalier king Charles spaniel. A tricolor and an English gentleman from Kent. He is a pig disguised as a dog.

The Piggy Luka
At Brunch
At Work

Billy and I are working to bring you the website. Your wallets will be able to access the private press club where we will meet. Stay tuned.

