Being left behind in Life? Yet wanna Enjoy it? Try this.

Zaki Ahmed
4 min readMar 13, 2024


Just a picture of me at China Town with a small girl whose a stranger but we both were all in the festive vibe of the Chinese New Year. (lol)

That constant feeling of being left behind in life. And the utmost desire to live to the fullest. I know how it feels. A mental tug of war.

And as if that pressure wasn’t enough, Instagram pops up a reel on my feed with Master Oogway spilling a few words of wisdom…

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow’s a mystery, and today is a gift — That’s why it’s called the present GIF

“TodAy iS a gIFt.” Hmmm… And now I’m questioning myself… Should I be doing the hard work? Or should I go a bit easy on myself and celebrate this so-called present?

That too — all when I already have soooo much on my plate to finish. And it’s only piling up further. But then there’s also this that work never ends.


I bet many of y’all feel the same as well. And if you do, well, that’s good news. Coz then I hope my escape route would work for you as well.

So, it’s very simple. I’m not gonna be all guru-ish over here.

Instead, I’ll hand you this simple formula. And then you define how you use it for yourself. Or even if you use it or not.

What Say GIF

So half the idea here is to not be 100% better. Yes, you heard that right.

Perfection is the enemy of progress.

See, getting better needs progress. And for that, you need to let go of the idea of “flawless”. Let go of the ideals.

I bet you this… even your ideals weren’t this perfect when they started. They kept doing what they did best. And now they’re your ideals. NOT when they made their first drafts.

Similarly, for you, keep doing what you’re doing and find progress. Progress will find perfection for you. But not the other way around.

Now, coming to the formula. Thanks to James Clear, the author of one of my favorites — Atomic Habits.

I don’t think I can do justice to his ideas any other way than quoting him directly.

Excerpt from the book Atomic Habits quoting how getting 1% better every day makes you 37.78 times better at the end of the year
Spare the bad picture quality :)

How do we get 1% better every day?

The way we broke down the huge numbers into smaller chunks; do the same with your goals. Your tasks. And your life.

Another tip here… I love this statement from Vishen Lakhiani — whatever you do, spend 20% of your time allocated to it learning how you can do it better.

I guess that’s the best and simplest way to not miss out. AND continuously keep developing the 1% EVERY day!

Again, don’t stop the progress to get better. Talk about the 1% improvement every day. And that’s 37.78 times better after a year!

That brings me to the next half of the idea.

Yes, the 1% rule is AMAZING! But it’s funny to see sooo many of us being blind to the opportunity of applying the same rule to live our life to the fullest.

Controlling laugh smirking GIF

I tell you. Just this one formula. Implement it daily!

And that’ll be 1% happier and 1% better tomorrow. But one year down the line? Imagine the numbers. EXPONENTIAL!

You get the idea now? How ENORMOUS the change would be?!

Again, funny how we all know this. But sometimes, we just need someone to talk to. To introspect. To find clarity.

Just someone to make us realize that x is x and y is y.

And you’re welcome, lol.

Now, before you come back to me asking…

“Even if I use the same 1% rule for living my life to the fullest… I can’t have it all.”

Wait a minute GIF

Agreed, you can’t have it all. But tell me who in the world has it all?

“When I’m getting into something new, I don’t look at what I’ve to do for it. But I look at what I have to sacrifice for it.” — This one statement from Alex Hormozi had my eyes wide open!

We think that the rich have it all. Well, that’s Alex Hormozi. What you gotta say to him, mate?

Maybe on the reel, they got it all. But in real, even they choose.

And that’s where it comes back to you… And your choice of what’s the 1% that makes you happier. And the 1% that makes you better.

Find it. Do it.

Until next month, keep up the 1%. I’ll see you soon, but 1.01³⁰ times better ;)



Zaki Ahmed

Your friendly neighborhood copywriter writing catchy stories for Brands, Emails, and Portfolios that hook you up. Being a little quirky is what makes me, Me.