How I got All My Jobs by being Unprofessional on LinkedIn

Zaki Ahmed
4 min readSep 10, 2023


Tried and tested on My LinkedIn. And it got me more than 4 well-paying jobs and almost 10 offers before 23. Might as well work for you.

The first thing — Making it Human!

As you read, you’ll notice that I never write like a professor writing a science thesis.

In fact, I write bizarre stuff on my LinkedIn just like this…

A pun on Copywriting and dark circles I posted on my LinkedIn

But when I write… I’m myself (not a professor, not the best xyz person, but just myself).

And I write in my own voice. Just the way I speak. In a friendly tone, FAAAARRRRR away from the corporate professional robotic “We’re thrilled to announce…” tone!

That’s what connects. Isn’t it? So let’s…

Find The Missing Piece

You. Emotionally and Personally. That’s literally the missing piece!

Look at your LinkedIn posts. Your profile. You be the judge. And be honest. Do they actually sound like you? Or look like you? Do they give a gist of your personality?

See, I understand why brands have such a monotonous robotic tone. (which is also changing)

But you? You’re an individual HUMAN marketing yourself on LinkedIn. You don’t have to be a lifeless company’s LinkedIn page using technical jargon you never use in daily life…

You’re an individual person. And that’s what’s UNIQUE to you. So be it. And let go of the corporate stiff personality you’ve worn.

In short, find your style… and find YOU. That’s the missing piece.

And when you do, blend it with your corporate life. That’s the “YOU” people wanna see and hear. The one they wanna talk to. And maybe even hire 😉

A pun on Valentine’s Day and a Marketing Strategy I posted on LinkedIn

That’s how I do it… lol

Now, To Become a Unique XYZ

I’m a copywriter. And so are other gazillion copywriters. But how am I different?

I’m a Copywriter who is also Zaki. How many more copywriters do you think are Zaki? The funnel literally shrinks from gazillions to fractions of “fractions of gazillions”.

Or maybe shrink to just tens, or hundreds. But you see how unique you are suddenly? Isn’t that fascinating?!

And remember this. People connect with people.

Sooooo, if you can be a person first, all the people looking for your skillset will definitely connect with you first.

And that way… You actually have them hooked for longer.

You’re a skilled professional. Absolutely! But just spinning around how you present yourself and making it more HUMAN, makes a MASSIVE change!

And then, Be Relatable

The Struggle is Real Creative Version Pun I posted on LinkedIn

You see that? Simple language that my creative fellows use. No technical jargon. No making it sound fancy. Or complicated.

Just Casually Talking To My People! Coz that’s what connects!

In today’s world of “Millions”, I don’t know how good 1000 to 1500 impressions sound to you. But these sure worked out for me! And got me all my jobs through LinkedIn.

See, I’m not saying, Go All Memes. But having something light-hearted and balancing it with technical stuff should do.

Just don’t kill the “Human Touch” because you want to be “ThoUghT LeaDerS oF thE InDustRy”.

Maybe… You Can Do Something Like This

Maybe start off with a meme as such within your niche…

Sarcastic Pun on Copy produced from ChatGPT posted on my LinkedIn

And then go into the intricacies in a very HUMAN and connecting approach like this…

Learnings on ChatGPT and Copy posted on my LinkedIn.

You See? Just One Missing Piece. That’s it

I’m just a copywriter, like many others. But blending my personality in makes me really unique!

And not just me, but this is quite the strategy every individual killing it on social media uses!

So why not try it out? Just plug in the missing piece (YOU) and see your profile sway people with the finesse of your skillset wrapped in your charismatic personality.

So until next week, have some fun with LinkedIn!

PS. If you’re looking for my take on how to ace your interviews, here are…



Zaki Ahmed

Your friendly neighborhood copywriter writing catchy stories for Brands, Emails, and Portfolios that hook you up. Being a little quirky is what makes me, Me.