Building Ymir: Empowering Heimdall with Crossplane

Tobias Andersen
3 min readNov 16, 2023


In the dynamic landscape of modern infrastructure management, the role of a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) extends beyond mere upkeep. It evolves into a realm where innovation and adaptability reign supreme. Today, we embark on a journey to explore the construction of Ymir, a cutting-edge capability, in our Heimdall platform. Ymir is designed to leverage Crossplane, a powerful tool for Kubernetes-native infrastructure abstraction, to create a resilient, extensible control plane for our enterprise to leverage in our attempt to reduce complexity for feature teams so they can speed up to support our business.

Understanding Crossplane

At the heart of Ymir lies Crossplane, a declarative, Kubernetes-native control plane that provides a framework for managing infrastructure across clouds, clusters, and service providers. It extends the Kubernetes API, allowing the representation of infrastructure resources as code through Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). This approach enables a unified interface for interacting with various infrastructure providers, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

The Merits of a Kubernetes Native Service Broker

Ymir, powered by Crossplane, acts as a Kubernetes native service broker, fostering seamless interaction between Kubernetes and disparate infrastructure systems. This integration brings forth a plethora of benefits:

  • Unified Control Plane: Ymir unifies disparate infrastructure resources under a single control plane, simplifying management and reducing operational complexities.
  • Automated Provisioning: Leveraging Crossplane’s declarative model, Ymir automates the provisioning and lifecycle management of resources, ensuring consistency and reliability.
  • Enhanced Portability: By abstracting infrastructure resources into Kubernetes objects, Ymir enhances portability across multiple cloud providers and on-premises environments.
  • Policy Enforcement and Governance: Ymir facilitates the enforcement of policies and governance across the entire infrastructure stack, ensuring compliance and security measures are consistently met.

The Power of Infrastructure Abstractions

Ymir doesn’t stop at managing existing infrastructure. It enables the creation of custom, extensible control planes tailored to specific enterprise needs. By abstracting infrastructure into composable building blocks, SREs can architect control planes suited to the organization’s unique requirements. This unlocks a range of benefits for our organization:

Abstraction Layers: Ymir utilizes abstraction layers to separate concerns, allowing for the creation of custom control planes for various teams or applications within the enterprise.

Modularity and Extensibility: Leveraging infrastructure abstractions, SREs can design modular and extensible control planes that can easily adapt to evolving business needs.

Integrations and Customizations: Ymir’s infrastructure abstractions enable seamless integrations with existing toolchains and the development of custom functionalities to address specific use cases.

Implementing Ymir: A Vision for the Future

Ymir’s implementation opens doors to a myriad of use cases, including but not limited to:

  • Multi-Cloud Orchestration: Managing resources across multiple cloud providers efficiently.
  • Application-specific Control Planes: Tailoring control planes for individual applications or services.
  • Development Environment Provisioning: Automating the creation of development environments for faster iterations.

Scalability and Future Growth

Ymir’s design ensures scalability and future adaptability. As our enterprise evolves, Ymir’s extensible nature allows seamless incorporation of new technologies, ensuring that the control planes remain agile and responsive to the changing landscape.


Ymir, empowered by Crossplane, introduces a paradigm shift in infrastructure management within the Heimdall platform. By leveraging Kubernetes-native service brokering and infrastructure abstractions, it offers a unique set of tools, enabling our SREs to build and manage custom infrastructure solutions tailored to our enterprises bespoke needs. As we journey into this new frontier, the promise of Ymir lies not only in its current capabilities of managing multi-cloud Kubernetes cluster, but also in its potential to transform and adapt alongside the ever-evolving technology landscape in our organization.

