Introducing Bifrost: An opinionated Observability Gateway

Tobias Andersen
4 min readAug 8, 2023

In the fast-paced digital landscape, the ability to monitor, analyze, and optimize software systems has become paramount for organizations seeking to deliver seamless user experiences and ensure the reliability of their services. Novo Nordisk, a global healthcare company, has taken a monumental step towards achieving this goal with the construction of Bifrost, an Observability Gateway that harnesses the power of the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) to seamlessly ingest telemetry data from various sources, enabling the company to achieve unparalleled insights into its vast network of applications.

As Novo Nordisk expands its digital footprint across geographical boundaries, the complexity of our software ecosystems grows exponentially. Applications are no longer confined to a single data center; they span across various cloud providers, regions, and devices. Ensuring the reliability, performance, and security of these distributed applications becomes a monumental task. This is where our new capability (Bifrost) comes into play. Observability in the context of Bifrost refers to the practice of gathering and analyzing data from various sources, including logs, metrics, and traces, to gain a comprehensive understanding of system behavior and performance.

Named after the mythical rainbow bridge connecting realms in Norse mythology, Novo Nordisk’s Bifrost is an Observability Gateway that serves as a virtual bridge between different parts of the organization’s vast application landscape. Bifrost is designed to address the challenge of collecting, analyzing, and visualizing telemetry data from applications distributed across the globe.

At its core, Bifrost leverages the power of the OpenTelemetry Protocol, an open-source project that provides a consistent, vendor-neutral way to collect, process, and export telemetry data. By adopting OTLP, Novo Nordisk ensures that telemetry data from various sources, regardless of the programming language or technology stack, can be seamlessly ingested into the observability platform.

Key Features of Bifrost

1. Data Ingestion at Scale

Bifrost excels in its ability to seamlessly gather data from various sources across the enterprise. By supporting multiple telemetry data formats and protocols, such as OpenTelemetry and Prometheus, it accommodates the diverse technology stack used by different teams. This ensures that no matter which programming languages, frameworks, or services are involved, Bifrost can ingest and harmonize the data into a coherent format for analysis.

2. Centralized Visualization and Insights

The Observability Gateway provides a unified interface for developers, engineers, and operators to access the telemetry data collected from diverse sources. Teams can create customizable dashboards that combine metrics, logs, and traces to form a holistic view of system behavior. This not only helps in identifying performance bottlenecks and anomalies but also in proactively addressing issues before they impact the end-users.

3. Collaborative Troubleshooting

Bifrost fosters collaboration by enabling different teams to share insights and work together in troubleshooting complex issues. Its integrated collaboration features allow stakeholders to annotate data points, add comments, and collaborate on investigations, streamlining the incident response process and minimizing downtime.

4. Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, Bifrost can automatically identify patterns and anomalies within the telemetry data. By establishing baseline behavior and flagging deviations, it assists teams in pinpointing issues that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. This proactive approach aids in maintaining system reliability and reduces the mean time to resolution (MTTR).

5. Insights-Driven Continuous Improvement

Novo Nordisk’s commitment to continuous improvement is further amplified by Bifrost’s ability to provide actionable insights. By analyzing historical data and trends, teams can make informed decisions about optimizing performance, scaling resources, and refining application architecture. This leads to a culture of constant evolution and enhanced user experiences.


In the modern digital landscape, observability is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Novo Nordisk’s Observability Gateway, Bifrost, serves as a crucial component of their internal developer platform, enabling them to achieve comprehensive visibility into their software systems. By providing data ingestion at scale, centralized visualization, collaborative troubleshooting, machine learning-driven anomaly detection, and insights for continuous improvement, Bifrost empowers teams to deliver reliable, performant, and user-centric applications.

With Bifrost as their Observability Gateway, Novo Nordisk stands at the forefront of organizations that recognize the significance of observability in ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare solutions and services. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Bifrost will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping Novo Nordisk’s technological prowess and innovation in the years to come.

