Zclassic CE — Recent developments
Update 6th May
Here’s a rather quick update of what’s been happening in and around the ZClassic CE team over the last few weeks…
First off, we know a number of you have been having issues with your electrum wallets and we hope that we’ve been able to resolve all the issues that have been posted on our discord server — if you are still having ongoing problems then get in touch and we’ll do out best to sort this out for you (https://discordapp.com/invite/NRdczWC). Some helpful resources we’ve put in place to get you going again can be found at…
faq + help discord channels at https://discordapp.com/invite/NRdczWC
A couple of the core team have offered to help moderate the Zclassic subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/ZClassic/) and nimbosa and skellers are now there. Feel free to check out the topics posted, no doubt there should be plenty of interesting and exciting times ahead judging by the recent posts that have been put up…
The dashboard/wallet UI has been progressing — although more has been happening under the hood rather than the frontend — we now have an api in place which effectively sits between the UI and certain blockchain methods that are available through this api — we’ll be customising and expanding on this to allow a wider spectrum of information to be introduced at a later date. At the minute, this allows us to access the ZCL blockchain and obviously moves us a step closer to implementing our web wallet plans, which includes accessibility for most devices including Windows, Linux and Mac OS and mobile devices. There should be more information to come out on this in the near future, but for now a reminder to where to access the UI demo (http://zcl.biorec.org.uk/Web/). This is frequently updated so it’s worth checking back every so often to check if any enhancements have been put in place.
We’re in the final stages of testing the new ZclassicCE block explorer and this will be made available to the community in the near future, after we’ve completed testing and finalised where it’s permanent home is to be. It’s looking good and just to whet your appetite, here’s a quick screen capture of a small part of what we have in store.
Provisional Roadmap 2018
there will be further deliverables during the course of this year as more resources become available
Work is continuing on our proposal to the BTCP team and this is now well under way. We hope to release this to the community for all to see immediately after the deadline date for submission