Binance DEX AMA — Summary

9 min readOct 24, 2019


Team Zebi would like to thank all those people who joined the AMA session held between Zebi Management Team, Pruthvi Rao (COO) and Srinivas Tangirala (Chief Architect), and Binance DEX on Oct 17th, 2019!

We had a great engagement ratio and the AMA session was well received by the community. Thank you for your active participation, support, and enthusiasm. We will continue to organize such events from time to time — to update the community about the regular business progress, product deployments and more.

In case if you didn’t get a chance to join the AMA session, we are providing the complete summary of the event so you can catch up! The summary contains a lot of useful information about Zebi and the plans we have for the future.

Richie (Binance):

Hello fellow binancians and welcome to another session of BinanceDEX AMA! Please welcome our guests representing the project: Pruthvi Rao, COO of Zebi and Srinivas Tangirala, Chief Architect of Zebi.

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

Hello all! Glad to be here.

How are you all doing?


Nice having you here. So, before we kick in with our first Segment, would you be so kind and tell us about yourself and ZEBI

Pruthvi Rao:

Zebi is a full-stack blockchain company based in India.

We have the Mainnet that went live a few weeks back, we have an enterprise blockchain — Zebi Chain which competes with other private blockchains, and we have a few products that are built on top of these two.

I am an Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur and spent over a decade with Citibank, where I was VP APAC.

Zebi is today India’s biggest blockchain company and is the only India project with Mainnet.

Srinivas Tangirala:

Hi, I handle the engineering and architecture for Zebi products and in particular the Zebi Public Blockchain. I come from 20+ years of building Enterprise products across various verticals. I am an Alumni of IIT Madras and held various senior positions in the IT companies both in the USA and India.

Segment 1


Alright. Thank you very much, gentlemen.

So, the warmup was made. Could we start Segment 1?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:



Thank you! And again, thank you for the introductions.

Segment 1

Question No1:

Will you give us an introduction about Zebi Public Blockchain?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

Our vision was always to be one of the biggest data projects. Our Public Mainnet is being launched with the learnings of what we have found to be the real game-changers in blockchain adoption, apart from learning what others have done in the ecosystem.

ZPB is now a Multi Chain Multi Token platform forked from COSMOS, and with our own approach to inter blockchain communication — Zebi Communication Protocol.

Zebi Public Blockchain was launched on Aug 15, 2019. Currently has 33 Validators and growing. Zebi is working on ZCP — Zebi Communication Protocol based on IBC which will facilitate Inter Blockchain Communication across heterogeneous Blockchains.


Okay. Thank you, gentlemen.

Question No2:

What are the most important features of Zebi Public Blockchain?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

Zebi intends to handle all data use cases on its platform. However, to achieve this, several technical innovations are required. This outlines the innovations we are currently addressing to achieve the desired goals. Zebi Public blockchain follows a design philosophy that includes a modular architecture approach, interoperability, emphasis on high-security solutions and development of APIs.

The biggest features are:

Zebi Communication Protocol

The biggest challenge in public blockchains today is how one chain can interact with another. The logical separation of blockchains has been a long-standing problem. This is broadly referred to as the inter blockchain communication problem.

ZAPP Modules

Zebi also believes that a successful project means that developers should be able to quickly build and deploy applications without having to build everything from scratch.

ZAPPs are Zebi Decentralized Applications, which are DAPPS of the ZPB ecosystem. While these are not on chain, these are very important for the successful delivery of blockchain adoption. One may compare this to early HTML like approaches to build websites or a WordPress like approach.

Apart from this, ZPB also have the general features of 3rd gen blockchains: On-Chain Governance, Proof of Stake, Decentralized Innovation, Delegation, etc. It is designed for real-world applications.


Thank you, gents,

I must say, very impressive

Well, then my 3rd question is somehow related to this.

Question No3:

What critical problems do you see occurring in the blockchain industry nowadays? How does Zebi Public Blockchain aim to solve these problems?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

Zebi has stood for Data security and has innovated at all levels in this space. This spans from core infrastructure, private blockchains, public blockchains and applications built on its own infrastructure, called ZApps. In the past few years, Zebi has made a considerable mark in not only innovating in the blockchain ecosystem but also going on the ground to understand how these will be deployed to address gaps in all layers of this.

There are two main challenges: Technical and Adoption

ZCP is going to be a revolutionary step in solving the logical disconnection of blockchains.

ZAPPS are going to change the way developers use public blockchains for writing successful projects.

As you can see, we continuously evolve this.

Technically, it is the issue of scalability, security, and Performance that are addressed in ZPB.


Superb! Scalability killed many dreams some time ago. Great job gents.

Question No4:

Could you please elaborate about the flexibility of Zebi Public Blockchain and how it could be used for different industries?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

Zebi Public Mainnet Blockchain is a 3rd generation public blockchain platform. It is a multi-asset and multi-chain public platform that links the assets of various organizations and enterprises to securely share, store, tamper-proof, and verify their sensitive digital assets.

Technically, ZPB is built on the COSMOS SDK that in-turn is built on Tendermint core blockchain software. ZPB comprises of in-house built additional modules in the COSMOS SDK that provide several services in the form of Zebi nodes as REST APIs. These services are in turn consumed by the client-specific application called ZApps (from the traditional dApps) that can be easily built by any data provider.


Thank you, gentlemen! One more question then we can start some chat action.

Question No5:

While I see most blockchain projects come out with hotshot keywords claiming to be different from rest in the space and minimal product, where do you see your product actually being used by the community and solving the real-world problem?

Pruthvi Rao and Srinivas Tangirala:

This is one thing Zebi has done well. We already have 45+ customers across 5 products and are launching new ones as they make sense.

Zebi Edu Chain is a digital credential management solution that offers a full suite for storing, retrieving and verifying the data online for both students and universities. There are about 700+ colleges on this platform.

Zebi Asset Chain is a fool-proof blockchain-based solution that stores the property details and transaction data, making it immutable and tamper-proof. This won the Digital India Gold award this year!

Zebi AI chain is an effective identity info management and tracking system for the hospitality industry. Currently, live in 1000+ Hotels.

We have over 20+ PoCs in other sectors, which we are now scaling. There are already about 2 million+ assets secured on ZPB.

There is probably no other project with this kind of traction!

We built probably one of the largest blockchain projects earlier this year — designed for 800 million users, 18000 records per sec on a private chain!!

Segment 2

So, after the first part, we had a blast questionnaire for Zebi, we got a total of over 3000+ responses for all 5 questions, here are the questions and answers, thanks again for your awesome answers!

Q1. What is the tag line of Zebi?

Correct answer: Blockchaining Big Data

Q2. How many customers does Zebi have?

Correct answer: 40+

Q3. What is Zebi’s Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol called?

Correct answer: Zebi Communication Protocol (ZCP)

Q4. Which is India’s Biggest Full-stack Blockchain company?

Correct answer: Zebi

Q5. What is the name of Zebi’s enterprise private Blockchain platform, which incorporates BFT?

Correct answer: Zebi Chain

Segment 3

In the final segment with the Binance DEX community, we selected some of the best questions to receive rewards! Here are the results:

Question 1.

There are 3 core issues prevalent in crypto and blockchain: security, interoperability, and scalability. How does ZEBI plan to rise above these plagues, setting your brand unique from others?

What efforts are in place to ensure that the forces of demand and supply don’t cripple the project. Would there be a holder reward mechanism for holding the ZEBI token?

How would you convince me it’s a good idea to hold ZEBI? What would be my benefits for holding it?

Answer 1.

ZCP is our innovation to solve the problem of scalability. Hence, a multi-token multi-chain approach.

It is also India’s biggest and probably only project.

Can you imagine? The largest democracy with Zebibytes of data, and one project!

Multi-chain multi-token approach with ZCP. There is no other alternative in the blockchain space today!

Question 2.

When looking back at your time working for Zebi, what are you most proud of?

Answer 2.

Nice question… being part of the biggest project in India, and if things work out, probably the biggest in the world.

Question 3.

Could the community be useful in any way regarding marketing, or somehow spreading the word around to potential clients/businesses that would benefit from Zebi? I know the team is busy trying to lock down clients and progressing the project. I was just playing with the idea of creative community members somehow getting the word out to businesses, and somehow linking them to the team.

Answer 3.

Yes of course! We get a lot of support and ideas from the community. In fact, we recently had a follower from Italy reach out to us and wanting to take our offerings there.

Question 4.

Your metamorphosis is commendable, how can you survive this longest bear market and continue to build and develop because many projects have been edited this time, what are the main strengths that you used to achieve this milestone?

Answer 4.

Thanks, keeping our feet grounded and working on getting more customers is the key. There is, of course, a light at the other end of the tunnel.

Question 5.

My question for Zebi guys is what gets you going? What’s your secret in making Zebi blockchain what it is now and what we will see in the future?

Also, scalability is one area for Zebi but there is so much saturation in the market that everyone’s looking to fight this scalability issue? What do you think is that would make Zebi competent and better against those old big guns such as eth or metahash looking to fight the same issue or whatever new projects that we will see because of the severity of the issue?

Answer 5.

The passion to bring the vast benefits of Blockchain to common citizen, better governance for all — be it students, property owners, product consumers, enterprises, etc. We want to make it better for all citizens.

Scalability is not the answer, we realized that one chain can never solve all problems. In fact, not everyone wants high TPS. Different customers want different things — speed, governance, data storage. etc. Hence we follow our multi-chain multi-token approach with ZCP.


The token transfer will start from Tuesday, October 29, 2019.

Segment 2

A pool of 2,509,250 ZEBI tokens will be split equally among all users who gave the answers correctly!

  • Question 1: 183 winners from 309 responders
  • Question 2: 505 winners from 731 responders
  • Question 3: 287 winners from 626 responders
  • Question 4: 139 winners from 315 responders
  • Question 5: 259 winners from 497 responders

Segment 3

You asked. We answered. We have chosen five lucky winners to receive 18,150 ZEBI each for asking the best questions!

1. @KieraKoch

2. @probst5

3. @Tykochu

4. @thetagorehill

5. @harrrr12

Congratulations to all the winners!

Thank you for reading the recap! We hope you learned a thing or two about our project. Look forward to more events like this in the future, as we will be hosting additional AMAs and promotions soon.

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