Zebi Marketing Roadmap, Reddit Official launch and Our Vision for ZCO Token

5 min readJul 31, 2018


Dear Zebi community. In this medium article we’d like to address the recent marketing concerns from ZCO investors and remind everyone of our vision and what Zebi is set out to do in the real world. We’ll also provide a brief explanation of our current activities, how we look at them rolling into the medium-term roadmap and how token economics would evolve and their importance to Zebi.

Zebi was founded in 2015, with a vision of “Blockchaining Big Data” and we today stand true to that and our efforts are focused on making it happen. Our core solution Zebi AI Chain™ is live and in production for government and corporate client data management today. It has been our top priority to expand on our first mover advantage while building the Zebi Data ecosystem, and we’ve all been working around the clock attracting new clients and creating new applications on Zebi AI Chain™. We are happy to say that, we are seeing significant interest and traction from the market and we hope to close on some important deals by end of the quarter. We would like to reiterate that, we are the real world blockchain project and our solutions are aligned to real world problems.

However, we do acknowledge that our efforts have not been visible enough in the past couple of months. Too often we’ve pushed updates and interactions about our progress to the side because we have been to pre-occupied with expanding our core business. We could also have been more proactive in creating visibility for new investors after our ICO launch. This has led to misunderstanding and dissatisfaction under some of our community members.

During recent weeks we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to restructure our communications with the following goals in mind:

· Spread the Zebi story to a wider audience (increase visibility).

· Make Zebi’s real world product and development visible to you.

· Make sure Zebi (ZCO) is better understood as an investment with value.

· Create stronger continuity and engagement in communications between Zebi and investors, and between investors themselves.

We are happy to say that from today on our hard work will start to become visible:

We’d like to invite everyone to our official subreddit: https://new.reddit.com/r/Zebidataindia/

Please follow our subreddit for the latest news, leave comments, interact, or even better: Submit your own links/content. We are excited to interact with all of you there.

To visit our subreddit in the intended layout we recommend viewing in ‘new reddit’.

Reddit being one of the first visible improvements and there is much more to come. We are working hard on this and setting up a structure for increased continuity of communication. Please stay with us on our journey as Zebi brings the real world blockchain solution to big data management — Safe, efficient and interconnected.

As a part of this continued effort to make inroads into different segments, we have redoubled our efforts in the areas of

· Hospitality

· Travel and

· Education

You will hear more from us on these specific segments over the coming couple of weeks. We are going to outline how and why we look at them as growth verticals and our approach to them. These would be in the form of Medium posts and Infographics.

We are also working on creating an underlying framework, through the lens of identity that caters to multiple segments. You will hear more on this in the coming weeks.

Staying true to our vision and earlier promises

We believe that management of high valuable data should be efficient and safe from hacking and tampering while maintaining respect for the rights of the individuals involved (through consent). We believe in a future where all identities’ (individuals, legal entities and assets) valuable data is safely stored and interconnected in a decentralized ecosystem that facilitates appropriate, safe and efficient data exchange.

High value data like Identity, Land Records, Education and Employment Records, Financial Transactions and Health data, are required by individuals and organizations as part of their routine activities. However, current mechanism of data exchange is mostly manual, paper based, slow and fraught with risks of tampering, forgery and thefts. Governments worldwide are realizing the need to add stringent data regulations to safeguard people’s interest with steep penalties for non-compliance. EU’s GDPR and India’s draft bill on Data Privacy are an initial step in that direction.

As we evolve our solutions over the next couple of quarters, our blockchain ecosystem needs a token and a regulatory compliant economic model. We strive to create true utility and staking value. As we are working towards our own native blockchain token we can already outline some promises and intentions.

Zebi token

Total supply:
Current circulation: 477.587.733
Token release scheme: 500.000.000 retained tokens to be released after 18 months, with max
12,5% release annually.
Token swap 2019: ZCO erc20 token : ZEBI Coin

ZCO ERC20 Token (before public mainnet launch 2019)

ZCO is an utility token to be used as a part of the Zebi AI Chain for all possible services, ranging from data processing (requesting) on the Zebi data Gateway to data protection on Zebi Chain. At this point Zebi does not make ZCO mandatory, thus lowering the entry threshold for new customers and building new applications. However, the use of ZCO is incentivised and in the future, it will evolve to be an integral part of Zebi Value Chain and enable economic incentives for new users. Zebi is actively exploring the legal possibilities to implement its projected buyback program. If there are no legal complications a buy and burn system will be set in place.

ZEBI Coin (after public mainnet launch 2019)

After public mainnet launch (scheduled Q4 2019) the ZCO token will be swapped to ZEBI coin. This makes Zebi 100% independent in maintaining its decentralized immutability. From there on ZEBI coins can be used as Blockchain Tokens with varied applications, including as staking for nodes. A detailed ZEBI coin ecosystem framework is being developed with the intention of tying the utility of ZEBI coin effectively to the growth and turnover of all Zebi data services and transactions in a regulatory compliant manner. We strive to give ZEBI coin real utility and staking value and further details will be announced end of September 2018.

