Why do I need Route Planning?

Zeo Auto
2 min readApr 22, 2020


Are you an independent business who is quickly orienting to delivery first during the COVID pandemic?or A driver making multiple deliveries?

How important is making persistent, timely deliveries to you? or How important is getting back to your vocation after finishing deliveries quickly to you?

If the answers to the above questions is yes! then you should consider using a route optimisation software!

What is a route optimisation software?

To put it very simply a route planning software or route optimisation software helps you sequence the stops in such a way that it takes the least amount of time to cover them. On an average route planning helps reduce the time by 15- 30%.

Suppose you want to deliver to a large number of stops in London. Putting a pin for each stop would make the map look something like the picture below.

Figuring out the shortest route would be a challenge. For 46 stops, the number of routes possible is — 2.75131E57 ( Which is 2751310000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ) possible routes.

A route optimisation software would provide the correct sequence in which the stops should be reached. Post optimisation, your route would look something like this:

With sequencing like this:

Ok so what should a good route planning software have?

A good route optimisation software should have the following capabilities:

  1. Add stops easily
  2. Get the correct sequence of routes in least amount of clicks.
  3. Navigate from one stop to another seamlessly.
  4. Allow downloading of manifest after the route has been driven showing time for each route.
  5. Allow options to specify time slot for delivery for each slot.
  6. Ability to integrate with order management system. `

At this point, we would urge you to try — Zeo Route Planner an app which we have designed to plan shorter routes for delivery, courier drivers and independent businesses.



Zeo Auto

Zeo Auto provides tracking and fleet management software for commercial vehicle operators