Q&A with GoChain CEO Jason Dekker

2 min readMay 30, 2018


To start things off, what is GoChain and why is it different from platforms such as Ethereum and NEO?

GoChain is a standalone scalable blockchain that is 100% Ethereum compatible. Any current Ethereum users can seamlessly transition to GoChain with no code changes to get an immediate 10x in decentralization, 100x faster speed and performance, and be a 1000x greener.

We have a permissioned, trusted network versus their untrusted, unpermissioned network. Our network is similar to EOS, NEO and Cardano in terms of it being permissioned.

The problem with unpermissioned networks is that the 4 large miners in China have taken 70–80% of the hash power making it super centralized.

The big difference between us and NEO is that we are Ethereum compatible and they aren’t. We also have a faster network at 1300 transactions per second versus their max speed of 1000tps.

Being able to attract and incentivise developers is obviously paramount to your success. How do you intend to do this?

Gaining adoption is paramount to our success. We plan to do that by investing in projects to build on GoChain, hiring top notch business development personnel to target the high throughput current Ethereum users to switch over and by hosting hackathons all over the world.

One of the big advantages of our network is that any current Ethereum users can transition with no codes changes and if they don’t like it they can switch back. It’s a very low risk, high reward trade off for any dApps that need bandwidth and low fees. The Ethereum development community and the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance needs immediate bandwidth and low fees and that’s what GoChain offers.

So, say I’m running a dApp on Ethereum, I could just transition over to GoChain with no changes to code. Why would I do that?

The reality is that the current Ethereum network is maxed out and gas prices are prohibitively high. It’s just not a production quality network but ours is.

Up til now Ethereum has been a great testing ground to prove what’s possible and we hope to take things to the next level by giving the blockchain community a scalable production level, Enterprise level network protocol they can count on.

The token GOC, how does it function within your ecosystem?

Our token GO functions the exact same way as ETH to power network transactions and dApps.

You very recently launched your mainnet. What’s next?

Now that our MainNet is launched we are going to focus on converting as many Ethereum users as possible and to get new projects to ICO on GoChain.

Want to learn more about the project?





The Life Cryptographic with Zeus Zissou Cryptocurrency Connoisseur, Daytrader & Analyst at USC Investment Group | zissou@usc.group