Don’t become an Influencer for the Wrong Reasons

Zev Gotkin
2 min readNov 15, 2018


Don’t try to be an #influencer for the sake of being an influencer.

Don’t become a personal brand for the sake of becoming a personal brand.

Rather, focus on providing value to others. Let the influence come to you as a result.

I think that’s a recipe for failure and a losing strategy. Perhaps, it will bring you short-term success, but you’ll lose in the long-term because the people who become truly influential and remain relevant are the ones who have a message, who stand for something, and who bring unique value to the table.

That means they say “no” to things as much or more often as they say “yes.” They make conscious decisions based on their values and will turn down quick cash if it means maintaining the health and integrity of their brand.

There is a lot of money in the influencer space right now and we have influencers on all platforms — bloggers, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more. Almost every kid nowadays wants to be one and thinks they can do it relatively quickly.

I have worked with influencers, primarily on Instagram. It concerns me that many people are not focused first and foremost on providing value to their audience. They simply want to be an influencer and get all the rewards that come with it. But an influencer or a personal brand will only engage and inspire if there is substance and authenticity behind it.

If you’re only doing it for the fame or money and you’re willing to collaborate with any brand as long as it pays, you will eventually lose credibility with your audience.

When you’re not being authentic and genuine and true to your brand values or if you don’t actually believe in the products you’re promoting, people will catch on and get turned off.

People can smell a faker. So, make sure you’re becoming an influencer for the right reasons.



Zev Gotkin

I'm a content marketing consultant. Entrepreneur, Writer, & @HuffingtonPost contributor. Helping brands grow with #blogging, social, & email.