The Outsiders

Zeyad Alsafadi
2 min readApr 14, 2022


There are 2 types of personalities in this world, the typical and the outsider.

Typical people make up around 90% of the world’s population if not more.

Outsiders are very rare and hard to find due to their differences and uniqueness.

Typical minds and characters are very good at social interactions since they can easily find another typical mind to communicate and relate with, fitting in isn’t usually an issue for typical minds, they all have the same interests and minds so it’s easy for them to interact with each other.

On the other hand outsiders are people who most likely faced and had to go through certain events in life that made them different and stand out from the rest, sometimes it’s trauma other times its growing in a different environment, these factors can form certain beliefs and interests that may seem foreign to most people, hence outsiders find it hard to relate to others.

It’s tough being an outsider, its like speaking a different language in a country where they don’t speak that language, the funny thing is outsiders even find it hard to speak to people who speak their own language.

Socially awkward, weird and a freak, these are labels for outsiders, they are always misunderstood and others most often throw false assumptions on them.

Outsiders always have their circle closed or small, they only allow people who think alike or at least those who can see their true colors and somewhat understand them.

Most outsiders have blue auras, due to loneliness and feeling like an out

cast most of the times.

Although outsiders add a flavor to others life and to life in general really, they make conversations and relationships feel special, some outsiders have become an icon such as Elon musk, they have a dramatic impact on the world, their way of thinking is free, the box doesn’t really exist for them, because they are already living outside of it.

Embrace your weird self even if it feels different than the rest, never change to fit in, who wants to be typical and basic, these types of people are boring and probably will never reach high places in life.



Zeyad Alsafadi

Immature writing, everything I write is based on my personal experiences and observations.