Zia Blogs
Apr 20, 2024

My Inseparable Self

Little devils feeding on your insides,

Like a thousand needles pricking at intervals.

You doubt the effectiveness of medications,

To you, they are candy.

It’s the first day,

And time has never been so slow.

Your stomach turns enemy,

Twisting, clenching and unclenching.

You wonder if it’s a curse,

Disguised as a blessing.

You were taught not to,

Hate your inseparable self.

So you endure,

Endure the painful wrench as it slips out.

With disgust, you wonder how the little thing,

Could cause so much pain and discomfort.

Fake smiles, forced laughter and sleepless nights.

Dark clothes, self consciousness and mood swings.

Over the next few days,

You patiently wait in pain for it to pass.


But with caution!

For it returns in twenty-something days.