10 Questions You NEED to Ask Your College Interviewer

4 min readFeb 22, 2020


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Many universities require students to interview with alumni or faculty as part of the college application process. While the interviewer will ask most of the questions, students should be prepared to ask questions of their own at the end of the interview. Asking your own questions allows you to learn more about the college as well as demonstrate your interest and commitment to the school.

Why did you choose to attend this school?

If your interviewer is an alumnus, this question can help you figure out if your vision of the campus aligns with that of the interviewer.

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Can you describe the campus culture?

The “campus culture” is one of the most important aspects of college life for many students. Is the campus involved? Community-oriented? Politically active? This is your chance to figure out if the culture the campus advertises aligns with its reality.

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What was your favorite part of your college experience?

Asking personal questions like this one to alumni interviewers allows them to get excited and share specifics about their college experience!

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What was your least favorite part of your college experience?

Likewise, asking about a negative aspect of their college life allows them to honestly share potential difficulties you might encounter on campus. Interviews are a unique opportunity for you to learn about the realities of college life beyond what websites or tour guides might tell you.

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Could you describe some of the more popular clubs or activities on campus?

College isn’t all about academics! Extracurriculars are an important part of university life.

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What kind of career planning services and opportunities are available?

Most universities dedicate resources to helping students find jobs after graduation. Ask about career development offices, networking opportunities, and career fairs.

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Can you describe the relationship between students and the faculty?

Some universities have small class sizes which allow students to work closely with their professors and truly get to know them, while other schools have teaching assistants do most of the heavy lifting. Figure out what type of class and student-faculty relationship model works best for you and see if it matches up with your chosen school.

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What was your favorite class you took at this college?

Specific questions like this one demonstrate interest in the interviewer’s personal life and allow them to share detailed responses about their academic experience.

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What qualities do you think would help a student succeed at this college?

This question can help you determine if you are a good fit for this university and also help you to demonstrate those qualities through the rest of the application process.

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When can I expect to hear back about the school’s decision?

Once the interview is complete, you will want to know about the next steps you need to take in the process (if any) and when you can expect feedback from the school.

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