Kickstand: Community Bike Shop

Zoe Robertson
1 min readJun 2, 2018


In case anyone was wondering what had happened to me over the last few weeks, I’ve been more than completely occupied in the making of a mini-documentary on Kickstand, a lovely community bike shop in East Van.

I can’t post it and won’t be able to for a number of months, as I’ve submitted it to a pretty large selection of festivals across the planet, but I can post the trailer…

*EDIT* — the waiting period for festivals is over now (March 10, 2019) so the link below is the complete 12-minute mini doc. I’m pleased to say it was screened at three festivals over the last year and was a finalist in two.

Enormous thank you to:

All the volunteers from Kickstand, Our Community Bikes, and the AMS Bike Co-op and Bike Kitchen.

Cynthia Low and the Britannia Community Services Centre Society

Sarah Duby Flow Fiorito and Yuichiro Tokata for providing the music.

My mother and the Academy…



Zoe Robertson

Vancouver-based violinist, illustrator, and author of Insatiable Machine. Loves being outside more than just about everything - except maybe dogs.