Angular: The Big Picture

Kevin O'Shaughnessy
4 min readJan 5, 2020


The following is rough notes that I made while watching Angular: The Big Picture by Joe Eames.

I hope that the following information is useful to you and recommend that you watch the course yourself to get the full lowdown on this great JavaScript framework and platform.

Benefits & Features of Angular

  • Reduction of Cost
  • Standard Compliance
    - ES6+
    - Modules
    - Internationalization & Accessibility
  • Performance
  • Open Source
  • Popularity
  • Documentation

Subjective & Situational Benefits

  • Framework
    - Router, http, forms, rxjs, etc.
    - Less Decisions

Angular is opinionated in some ways but allows you to choose your own state management solution

  • Uniformity
  • Google backing
  • TypeScript

Basic Features

  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Lazy Loading
  • Forms
  • RxJS
  • Fully Featured Router
  • Animations

Advanced Features

+ Server-Side Rendering
+ Mobile friendly
+ Angular Language Service
+ ngUpgrade for upgrading an app from AngularJS to Angular

Angular Architecture

One Way Data Flow

Really about change detection

Dependency Injection

export class AddNewTagComponent {
constructor(private articleSvc: ArticleService) {}


selector: ‘add-new-tag’,

export class AddNewTagComponent {




A way to add new capabilities to an element of your display.

- Make element draggable
- Make element appear on hover

Usually implemented as html attributes

<div hover-trigger>
Hover Over Me to See
<div appear-on-hover>
Some Content

Templates in-line in Components

Specify how components display

selector: ‘app-about’,
template: `<div>
export class AboutComponent {

Zone.js & Change Detection

One thing you want from any framework is for it to re-render the display
when an elements state changes.

Zone.js is the key to Angular’s change detection

It creates a wrapper around all asynchronous operations in the browser
such as user interactions, HTTP, Timers, and any other events that can cause changes in state.

Rendering targets

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Native Desktop applications

Rendering Options

Native Mobile Apps
Native Desktop Apps


Angular CLI

Some things to consider for an app:

  • Module Handling
  • Bundling
  • Minifying
  • TypeScript/ES6 Transpilation
  • Browser Shims
  • Zone.js

CLI Capabilities:

  • Create New Applications and set them up correctly
  • New Component/Service/Pipe/Etc
  • Serving up the Application
  • Linting
  • Testing
  • Building

Server-Side Rendering

Performance: Smaller download size, faster Render Time
Better SEO (although Google now parses JavaScript)

Server-Side Rendering Operation Modes

  • Full Pre-Render
  • Dynamic Pre-Render: built by Angular Universal,
    the HTML and CSS is sent down to the browser,
    then the switch happens. Only Node and ASP.NET Core are supported
  • Client-Side Switch
    - Download App including Angular framework.
    - In a hidden div, it boots the app, renders the current page,
    replays any events the user has done so far to the page to maintain the
    current state, swap display inside of the hidden div to the main page.

Quite complex! But can pay off in the right situations

Mobile & Native Frameworks

Ionic and NativeScript
Desktop with Electron

All work with Angular

Testing Tools

Karma — unit testing
Protractor — web automation testing

Some alternatives to these are:
- Jest
- theIntern

Angular Testing Utilities

  • TestBed
  • Async & fakeAsync
  • MockBackend

AOT Compiler

Ahead of Time Compiler
Radically improves the performance of Angular applications

Older Angular used JIT process for turning templates into JS functions


Angular Language Service is supported in VS Code,
WebStorm and Sublime Text

Tips, Tricks & Gotchas

Gotchas (in Angular 6)

- TypeScript & Decorators
Decorators are a different type of syntax
TypeScript has its own learning curve

- Custom Pipes
there are two flavors, pure (simple) and impure (advanced)

Pure: only evaluated when input changes
Impure: evaluated on every change detection cycle
(non performant)

- Module API
You can easily forget to register a service or component and cause a bug

And more…

Simple example module:

declarations: [ AppComponent, HomeComponent ],
imports: [ BrowserModule ],
providers: [ Auth ],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]

- Dealing with Multiple Modules
Dealing with Routing
Importing and exporting items from each of the modules

- Cryptic Error Messages

- Build
Angular builds are significantly more complex than AngularJS was.

- Delivery Size

1 MB hello world app

- RxJS
Promises vs. observables
Self-subscribe or not
Forgetting to subscribe
Accidentaly making multiple http requests
Hot vs. cold observables
Shared observables

Tips & Tricks

Use the CLI
Follow the style guide
Do sorting & filtering in your component
Learn & use TypeScript
Learn & use Ngrx
Learn Webpack
Use lazy loading
Use VS Code
Don’t touch the DOM directly
Understand what you’re sending down to the browser
Use immutable or observable data to maximize performance where appropriate

Present and Future

Angular vs Other Frameworks

  • Factors to Consider

Technical aspects
Political environment
Personnel considerations
Likely future landscape

  • Conditions to Consider Using Angular

Enterprise type company?
Do you use a Typed backend such as C# or Java?
Apps written in AngularJS?
Do you like keeping Templates separate from code?
Do you like large company backing?
Do you prefer a framework vs set of libraries?
Do you like an established track record?
Popularity and momentum?


Angular Labs: the Angular team’s formalized umbrella for trying out experiments

Angular Elements: write a UI control in Angular and compile it down to a web component

Schematics: part of the CLI project, allowing you to customize what it produces

Universal: make server-side rendering easy


Build system: more targets and options and optimizations

ABC: Angular, Babel and Closure



Kevin O'Shaughnessy

Sr. Full Stack Web Dev promoting better professional practices, tools, solutions & helping others.