The A-Z of JavaScript Transpilers

Kevin O'Shaughnessy
2 min readJul 30, 2015


A JavaScript Transpiler is a tool that takes code written in another language transforms and compiles it into JavaScript.

If you’re wondering why you might want to do this, see The Benefits of Transpiling To JavaScript

A is for ASM

ASM — a super fast subset of JavaScript, developed by Mozilla

B is for Babel

Babel — the new name for 6 to 5 which is a transpiler that allows you write ES6 style JavaScript now and transpile it into working ES5 JavaScript

C is for CoffeeScript

A little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath that awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.

Want to get started: CoffeeScript for beginners

D is for Dart

A cohesive, scalable platform for building apps that run on the web, developed by Google

G is for GrooScript

Groovy to JavaScript

J is for JSIL

A compiler that transforms .NET applications and libraries from their native executable format — CIL bytecode — into standards-compliant, cross-browser JavaScript. You can take this JavaScript and run it in a web browser or any other modern JavaScript runtime.

J also stands for:

Easy to learn and powerful programming language designed for high-quality web development, with classes and type checking

L is for Lua JS

LuaJS — An ECMAscript framework to compile and run Lua code, allowing Lua to run in a browser or in Flash

O is for Opal

Ruby to Javascript Compiler

P is for PureScript

PureScript — A meta language that compiles to JavaScript

P also stands for

Pyjamas — Python to JavaScript

S is for Scala

Scala — compiles Scala code to JavaScript, allowing you to write your web application entirely in Scala!

S also stands for

Sweet — Sweet is a macro language allowing you to extend JavaScript

T is for TypeScript

A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.

TypeScript is being used in Angular 2. Google originally began developing AtScript but have since worked with Microsoft to use TypeScript instead. This is good news because many developers are already using TypeScript and/or Angular. TypeScript is now a much more attractive option for Angular 1.x developers to get started with.

T also stands for Traceur

A to JS of today compiler written by Google

W is for Whalesong

Racket to JavaScript compiler

For an introduction to the Racket Language see here

Have I missed any others? Please let me know @ZombieCodeKill

For even more JavaScript tools, see the A-Z of JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries



Kevin O'Shaughnessy

Sr. Full Stack Web Dev promoting better professional practices, tools, solutions & helping others.