
4 min readOct 3, 2021


WARNING Zombiemice are moving onchain WARNING

This is a virus. An infection. You don’t need a doctor to tell you that. Something happened to those mice when they were burned. Something in the air. Maybe it was their brains, maybe it was their blood. It was something in the… By the time they tried to evacuate the cities, it was already too late.

It was YOU. YOU caused this. Now the world will pay the price for YOUR mistake…


1. The Gate

You are standing right in front of The Gate leading to the onchain world.
Just a few things still need to be done before making a step to eternal existence and make your way to the nearest town for Brainhunt.

Please note:

Your offchain mice will be transfered to the Gate contract address when you use it to claim. You will not be able to see it in your wallet, transfer or sell anymore. You will get random generated onchain mice in exchange with the different ID and traits.

The correct ID to specify in contracts will be 2618, not the 7846

When you specify offchain mice ID in the Gate contract please make sure that you use token ID, not the ID you see in the mice name.

You can also view your tokenIDs here: https://www.zombiemice.art/

How to use

  • Choose setApprovalForAll function and fill it with next values:
    operator — 0x00A2c366C3a674cB3078145c64d55e6304D33B98
    approved — true

This step will allow the Gate contract (0x00A2c366C3a674cB3078145c64d55e6304D33B98) to take the control over the offchain Zombiemice tokens in your wallet to perform the exchange.

The gas limit suggested by etherscan for claim transactions will be set to max level (28500000) in case if you’ve not done with the previous step and claim will fail.

You can use claimOnchainMice to claim few mice at once. Input here is your offchain mice IDs in format [<id1>,<id2>]

The example above will use offchain mice with IDs #1, #14 and #15 to get 3 random onchain mice.

If you want to claim with one mouse only — use claimOnchainMouse instead with one offchain ID as an input.

In example above you will get one random onchain zombiemouse in exchange of your offchain #79

2. Brainhunt

So now when you’re one of the Zombiehorde what should you do next? Like.. what every self-respecting zombie should do?

You’re totally right, we’re going to get some $BRAIN$ now.

$BRAIN$ is an ulitity token which will be used in future mechanics.

  • Open the new Zombiemice contract and connect your wallet as it was done at the step 1.1.
  • Now we need to call setApprovalForAll here as well but this time use next inputs:
    operator — 0x23A9c477BD2e4A492a5a83e2d415a7172145C3BE
    approved — true
  • Move to the $BRAIN$ contract


  • The only way to stake your zombiemice for the $BRAIN$ — stakeByIDs. Specify the IDs you want to put to stake. After that they will be transfered to the $BRAIN$ contract and earn you token.


  • After you have some $BRAIN$ staked you can claim them and move to your wallet. Use claimByTokenId to claim $BRAIN$ earned by specific Zombiemice.
  • use claimAll to transfer all $BRAIN$ earned to your wallet. No input required here.


  • to remove your Zombiemice from staking use unstakeByIds to remove specific zombiemices or unstakeAll to remove all of them.

3. ???

What is that shadow on the horizon? Puffs of smoke coming out of the chimney, illuminating the clouds with an acid-green glow. You’re new to this world, but how long has this thing been here?




Fan project by fans, no relation with anonymice. You burned they returned! A collection of 6450 unique mice that were burned and returned as zombies.