ZooDAO: Whitelisting

5 min readDec 24, 2021


ZooDAO is a project two years in the making. The team has worked tirelessly to build an ecosystem in which NFT owners can generate passive income on their NFTs, with a project-agnostic solution to NFT utility.

For the first time, we welcome users to join us in creating greater purpose for NFTs through participation in our community token distribution.

Mechanics of distribution

The ZooDAO token distribution event will be based on a whitelist, with eligibility determined by active community participation. Each eligible participant will receive one whitelist slot; attempting to secure multiple slots or circumventing the rules for participation will result in loss of all participation opportunities. The privilege of early access to ZooDAO and first participation in the DAO will be limited to 500 users in the whitelist.

A total of 2M tokens will be available to the 500 whitelisted users, enabling those users to purchase up to 4000 $ZOO priced at $0.2 USD (0.2 DAI).


Eligibility for whitelisting awards early engagement with the project, and participation of users in developing and building the community. The first 100 users enrolled in ZooDAO’s Discord channel have been automatically whitelisted, leaving 400 slots remaining for other users.

ZooDAO’s success is reliant on awareness of our solution and the engagement of NFT holders and communities participating in NFT Battles. To be eligible to claim one of the 400 remaining spots, users should:

  • Be following or enrolled in ZooDAO’s key channels
    (Twitter, Discord and Telegram)
  • Actively participate in discussions with the community on Discord or Twitter, helping other users understand the project, creating infographics, GIFs, ZooDAO memes or various media
  • Help spread the word on Twitter via posts, memes, and tagging at least 3 friends and at least one NFT project

Logistics of Whitelisting

The ZooDAO team will update the whitelist slots every 48 hours until all 400 spots are filled, based on the eligibility requirements detailed above. To ensure engagement is noted, users should link their social media handles to their Discord profile so the team may accurately identify users.

The purchase window for $ZOO tokens will be limited to 5 days. Whitelisted users are eligible to purchase up to 4000 $ZOO tokens, however should you wish to purchase fewer, the remainder of the available tokens will be yielded back to the treasury after the end of the 5-day period.

Whitelisted users will be assigned a Whitelist tag in Discord, and be invited to a private channel.

Additional benefits

$ZOO token is being made available at a discounted price for whitelisted users; however to thank users for their early engagement, additional rewards are available. 25 exclusive NFT collectible cards from ZooDAO’s collection will be airdropped to 25 of the whitelisted users by random selection.

Use of Funds

Funds raised by the whitelist token sale will be stored in the ZooDAO Treasury, and be used to fund scaling-up human resources of the ZooDAO team, completion of a security audit, for marketing efforts and to supplement the funds already available for the Balancer LBP. The team will provide a report of use of funds to the whitelisted users in Discord.

Future Token Availability

For users who are unsuccessful in securing a slot in the whitelist, a Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) will follow with $ZOO tokens priced higher than during the whitelist token sale, based on the funds collected from the Whitelisting. This will be a permissionless sale available to all.

Ongoing development

As our team has a long-term vision and wants to create a solution which catalyses the utility of NFTs beyond collectible items by generating additional value for users, security within the dApp is ZooDAO’s top priority. With this in mind, our smart contracts will have completed three audits before launch, two internal and one external. An incentivized testnet version will take place after the 2nd internal audit and will be accessible to a number of limited people who will ensure everything is working as intended before our external audit.

Raising Awareness

As the ZooDAO community grows, we’d like to be transparent with how the team has driven engagement and awareness of ZooDAO and it’s innovative solution to NFT Utility.

Following our whitelist announcement, we reached out to influencers in the NFT / DeFi space to engage them in spreading the word on ZooDAO and the benefits we are providing to NFT Communities. Engaging with influencers has helped us to extend our geographic reach, raising awareness from a multitude of users around the globe.

Engagement of influencers has no bearing on eligibility for whitelisting by users. Our criterion for whitelisting explained above remain the same: we value participation of users in developing and building the community. To ensure fairness for all, we requested influencers only post announcements after we had filled the first 100 whitelist spots of users joining our Discord following announcement on the official ZooDAO channel. This ensured that those 100 spots were not simply filled by bots, and users associated with the influencers we engaged.

We’re excited to continue serving the community and engaging with users as we grow ZooDAO into the most robust solution on the market for NFT users to achieve greater purpose from their NFTs.




ZooDAO is the first community-governed platform enabling users to generate yield from their NFTs.