
Yevgeniy Semenyuk
1 min readOct 27, 2017


Remember how I talked about a plumbing system inside of an apartment or house? Yep, that’s our project.

Your water plumbing system inside your house looks something like this and this is somewhat the system we are going to analyze. This system to me, is interesting because I’ve had to do some plumbing inside of my own home to fix broken pipes, replace, and improve. I have also added a couple of new lines for a new bathroom.

So why does this matter, how can this be related to in the real world? Well what if you are experience low flow’s at your faucets and which to improve that. What if there is a leak somewhere in a giant apartment building and you want to figure out where to start looking.

The biggest challenge so far was coming up with a system. Due to the project being so open-ended, we didn’t even know where to start looking. Now that we have an idea to go from, I don’t think it should be too difficult from this point. We know the system, we got a plan, time to execute.

