Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2017


ZrCoin business plan published

We have just uploaded our business plan to the ZrCoin website, expanding on a series of matters connected with the ZrCoin project and answering many of the questions that prospective investors have asked.

Since we announced the ZrCoin project, we’ve had many questions about the nature of the new manufacturing process we’ve developed, as well as our overall business plan and expertise. Whilst we can’t release all the information around these for reasons of confidentiality and competition, we have created a business document to inform prospective investors of as much as we can. You can view the business plan at https://zrcoin.io/files/business_plan.pdf, or from the login area of the ZrCoin crowdsale website.

We have included fairly comprehensive information about a number of matters, which investors will be able to use to help gauge the viability of the project. Whilst we cannot provide information about individual employees, our scientists are public and well-known figures with strong academic and industrial track records, and a history of relevant publications.

As you will see, our Project Sponsor is VEKS LLC, a company which has previously delivered a series of industrial innovations. The same is true of our Development Contractor. For those who are interested, there is a brief summary of the manufacturing process — although we are, for obvious reasons, unable to divulge specific details. ‘The main products of the future plant are as follows: zirconium concentrate (powder) with ZrO2 contents of with at least 65% (base product) plus Hf 2.5–3% with the maximum content of alkaline earth metals of 1.5%, and synthetic mold powder (MP). The manufacturing process uses dry concentration and separation of materials, including selective grinding techniques, dry magnetic and gravity separation.’ The resulting product is superior to the current market standard.

We also explore the status of ZrO2 mining/manufacture in Russia at present; essentially, bureaucratic inefficiencies and a lack of available supply means that there is very little domestic competition for our product, and significant opportunities both at home and in the export market (especially China, where we are opening a new office).

In terms of building our plant and beginning manufacture, we have provided extensive information about our costs, both upfront and ongoing, as well as our expected profits based on the industry’s appetite for zirconium. We also detail the methods by which we determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Finally, we have also conducted a risk analysis, giving an overview of various adverse scenarios and the impact these would likely have on our operation.

Investors are encouraged to read the business plan, and discuss any outstanding matters with the ZrCoin team on Slack. The ZrCoin crowdsale will begin on 11 May 2017 and last until 9 June. ZrCoin blockchain options will be sold starting at $1.40, pending buyback at the market rate for ZrO2 (around $2.80) once production and shipping commences.

To find out more, read the business plan or visit www.ZrCoin.io.



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