Next Steps

Mike Zeidlhack
2 min readNov 9, 2016


At first I was disgusted, shocked, and outraged. I denied the news and looked to blame external parties (hackers, this and that group, etc.) as to why my candidate didn’t win. I then realized that blaming others is the behavior that leads to inaction and the spiral of hatred and abhorrence that has made this election so polemic.

My next thought was action, namely flight. I saw news the Canadian immigration's website was down and realized emigration was (and maybe is) an option.

Then I thought about other actions, namely fighting back. I quickly dismissed the possibility that I could change any sort of result. What’s done is done. It took a friend this morning, however, to gently shake me from my self-absorption. She quickly (and thankfully delicately) made me realize that in fact, relatively speaking, I have little to lose from the election results. Trump’s policy decisions — and more importantly behavior — probably won’t significantly affect me. The devastating effects from his election are the racism, sexism, homophobia, violence, etc. he enables in others that they’d otherwise keep to themselves.

I probably won’t see Trump, but I have and will see some of the evils he has displayed. If I were supporting a candidate for some of the principles she espoused, do those principles in me die with her candidacy? If I truly want to effect positive change, do I need an elected official to do it? I need to take it upon myself to illustrate that racism, sexism, homophobia, violence, etc. — now as ever — won’t fly.

I’m committing to interjecting when I see or hear wrongs. I’m not going to get it right, but I can’t sit on the sideline. I’m going to need to find a delicate balance between diplomacy and delivering stern messages that show I don’t side with certain beliefs. I’m going to struggle with that. At times, I’m going to display the same hatred that I wish were eradicated. I’m not going to be close to perfect, but I should try to be. Please hold me to this because it’s going to take a village.

Best of luck to future President Trump and all other politicians elected into US office.



Mike Zeidlhack

Reforming strategy consultant from Chicago now working in Ghana and interested in entrepreneurship/VC and the NU Wildcats