6 Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Nemanja Manojlovic
4 min readJan 17, 2017


With less than a month left, Valentine’s Day is practically knocking at our doors. It might seem too early to start planning for it, but that thought is exactly the one we tend to hate the most when we are sitting clueless on the couch on the eve of February 12th. Deciding now on the things you will be doing for Valentine’s Day will help you spend it with no worries in the arms of your loved one.

In case you can’t come up with anything at this very moment or you are just looking for ideas, I have prepared a list of ideas of things you could be doing for Valentine’s Day.

Recreate the First Date

The first date is a very special moment in every relationship, whether it was a smooth or a bumpy ride for any of the partners. Sit down and try to remember everything down to every little detail. Go out on a walk and check if those places still work, or if they have anything organized for Valentine’s Day. Remembering and reliving the first date is an amazing experience and, if you want to surprise your girlfriend or boyfriend, this will do the trick, trust me.

Getting the Perfect Gift

Now this might be a tricky one if you would like to go with something completely personal. If your relationship is fresh, you might want to skip highly personalized gift choices and go with standard Valentine’s Day ones. There is nothing wrong with hearth shaped boxes and dark chocolate. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to point anything out, but from a guy’s perspective, it seems that picking up the gift for him seems to be a lot easier than picking the best Valentines gift for her.

DIY Dinner

Candles, wood crackling in the fireplace, a table for two, a bottle of red wine, and a fine meal. Does this sound romantic enough for you? You can step up your game by getting some really good looking table set for two (Valentine’s Day themed, of course). If you are not an excellent cook, don’t let that discourage you from your DIY Valentine’s dinner. There are plenty of easy to prepare meals that could serve as a perfect meal for this opportunity. Make sure to pick a light meal, as you don’t want the food to make both of you to pass out afterwards on the couch.

Concerts and Events

Usually, there are dozens of concerts and events on Valentine’s day. Does your partner have a favorite music band or a music genre he/she prefers? It would be perfect to look for concerts in the nearby vicinity and get the tickets before they sell out. But, if you are more of an adventurous spirit, you should check for some special Valentine’s themed events. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Cupid’s Undie Run is a real thing and, every year, you can see runners in Chicago passing by in their undergarments.

Romantic Trip

Taking her or him on a romantic trip is always an excellent idea, especially for Valentine’s day. There are many romantic cities and places sprinkled around the globe and it would be a shame if you don’t pay a visit to one for at least one Lovebird’s day. If you decide to visit some romantic city on this day, make sure to check out the things you can do there for this special day. I’m sure there will be at least a dozen options.

Write a Love Letter

It seems that with digital technologies in our lives, we have distanced ourselves from writing letters. This is an excellent opportunity for you to open up and share all those feelings and thoughts on paper for your loved one to read. You can look for special papers and envelopes in a local bookstore. Give it to your love bird while you are having wine and enjoy looking at their face while they’re reading it.

V-Day day is a time when you should show your loved one that you care and that you are there for him or her. I’m sure that anything you pick to do on this day will have the same effect on your date, as long as you are giving it from the hearth.



Nemanja Manojlovic

Blogger, wordsmith and a fairly enthusiastic and interesting character overall. Билингвални господин са хумористичким погледом на свет, а и причљив богами.