Solar system facts:

Zulkifal Latif
4 min readJun 24, 2022


Our solar system is distinguished in two main types named as inner solar system and outer solar system. Planets of the inner solar system are closest to the sun, inner solar system consists of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. An asteroid belt is a bisection line which make our solar system in two categories. The remaining planets will combine to form outer solar system and they were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. . The rest of Solar system includes the satellites of the earth, various comets asteroids, meteoroids and interplanetary medium.


Because of its closeness to the sun its surface is very hot, and its surface gives us gray to orange look. Some called it Mythical God because of its speedy revolving capability. Mercury is too hot rather than others as its near to sun than others and measured temperature is 800K.


It is not wrong to say the Venus is the closest neighbor of earth, and possessed a lot of same qualities as same as earth but a slight different. It’s only 700 km smaller then earth in diameter. Life can’t exists here because presence of carbon dioxide and H2SO4. Gives a Brownish-Yellow look, known as God of love.


The place where life can exist, where everything is normal atmosphere, temperature, pure water, proper weather system not too cold nor to hot, not its wrong to say suitable place for existence of every living thing. Earth ‘s revolving duration around the sun is 12 months.


Romans called them God of war. Its surface is too cold and gives reddish colored appearance , its temperature is cold because of wide distance from sun. Its surface is covered with craters and volcanoes. Having the same revolving speed around the sun as speed of earth and took 687 days. Diameter of mars approximately 6970 km.


The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter with the diameter of 142980 km, known as God of heaven in Romans. Its Rotating time limit is 9 hours and 19 minutes. The surface is made up of hydrogen so there are a lot of chances of the sink when you land on its surface. The cloud colors of Jupiter are white, yellow, red, and brown.


The second largest planet considered after Jupiter with diameter of 120536 km. Some calls its system of three rings and romans called it God of agriculture. Saturn and Jupiter surface is made up of gas, Gives look of butterscotch color. Saturn rings are made up of tiny particles of ice and rock, it took 12 years revolving around the sun.


It’s very lazy and revolves very slowly around the sun and took 84 years for completion of its an orbit, having a diameter of 51118 km. Looks like blue green in appearance, known as system of nine rings romans used to call it grand father of Jupiter.


Romans named Neptune as God of Ocean. Neptune have the system of five rings and a dark blue storm system. Having small diameter of 49500 which is very close to the diameter of Uranus.


Pluto is also famous as God of outer darkness among Romans. Pluto was old name but in 2006 a slight changing was bring and new name Dwarf planet was given to it. it took two hundred and forty eight years to revolve around the sun. Color and surface is not discovered and predictable

