Dr. Salim A. Salim Digital Archive: Honoring our Past, Embracing the Future.

Zuweina Farah
4 min readSep 29, 2023

At a time where we so often speak on digital transformation, the concept of a digital archive stands out, especially for Tanzania who is about to witness its first digital archive dedicated to the life and career of a prominent figure in our history. A revolution to our landscape of information preservation and access to information. It transcends traditional boundaries, offering opportunities for researchers, historians, and storytellers. Tanzania is poised to embrace this digital sea change with the launch of an initiative set to take us on a journey in time. A time machine, collating 60 years of service of the remarkable Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim.

Very often we find ourselves deep in heaps of pages of the people we admire, look up to, or want to learn from. Discovering, learning and taking notes. From their acts of good, their mistakes, to their passion and love for the work they do/did. A digital archive is more than just a repository of documents; it is a living testament to history. A tool that allows you to relive moments in multiple formats.

The family of the esteemed Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim is set to launch the country’s first-ever digital archive. An exciting moment that will be graced by his colleagues, mentees, family, and political and diplomatic figures that have had the pleasure to work with Dr. Salim, and witness his art in the realm of international diplomacy.

Having had a glimpse of the platform, I can already say that this endeavor promises to revolutionize research, historical preservation, and storytelling in Tanzania, offering a treasure trove of rare materials and never-before-seen content that hold immense cultural and historical value. It encompasses a vast array of materials, from rare documents and photographs, to letters and notes meticulously preserved in digital form. Such archives transcend the limitations of physical space and time, access to information, thus making historical treasures easily accessible to scholars, researchers, and the curious alike.

For many, that have known him, the archive opens doors to further explore the life and contributions of Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim, a distinguished figure whose legacy has left a mark on Tanzania and the world. The digital format enables in-depth analysis and cross-referencing, facilitating a deeper understanding of historical contexts.

Historians, and academicians, will find themselves at home. I can already see African Studies enthusiasts discovering a sense of belonging within the comfort of their own homes. There is immense value that comes with the archive; but mostly it being an invaluable resource for reconstructing the past, shedding light on focal moments in Tanzania and Africa’s history, and tracing our nation and continent’s journey to present day.

Storytellers have struck gold, when it comes to inspiration. The digital archive will allow them to craft narratives and weaving together the threads of history, culture, and personal stories. It breathes life into easily forgotten tales and lends authenticity to storytelling, ensuring that the collective memory remains vibrant and relevant.

The launch of Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim’s digital archive is not just a rare occasion; it is an esteemed moment in Tanzania’s cultural and intellectual heritage. A source of pride for Tanzania. For many tech enthusiasts, we would look at this from a lens of the country’s commitment to digital transformation, embracing technology to safeguard and preserve its heritage and making it accessible to all who seek to explore, learn, and share.

I hope that as a nation, we will draw lessons from it, and grasp the significance of digital preservation. Through such mediums and channels our very rich content, history, and heritage can reach bigger audiences and increase accessibility. Shining a spotlight on and promoting our diverse history, culture, art, music, and more.

The digital archive by the family of Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim is a true honor to the enduring legacy of Dr. Salim, and our commitment as Tanzanians to honor our past as we embrace the future. This beautiful occasion, set to take place tomorrow in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, is not only an honor but also a gift to the generations that will follow, ensuring that the African history remains vibrant and accessible.

Thank you to the family of Dr. Salim A. Salim for paving the way.



Zuweina Farah

Cartographer of interestingness. Art | Tech | Nature | Travel. A friend of the Moon.