Anchor Protocol: How the dev team rigged liquidations


7 min readAug 15, 2021

We noticed suspicious on-chain activity from the Anchor Protocol dev team’s personal liquidator about four weeks ago after block height 3757709. After monitoring on-chain transactions from the liquidator for a week, it became clear that the dev team had granted their liquidator privileged access to the price feed, and the liquidator was aware of the price feed bot’s state off-chain. We also noticed many faked liquidation attempts by the dev liquidator to obfuscate on-chain activity.

On the Anchor Protocol discord #dev-chat, I asked if the dev liquidator had been granted privileged access to the price feed on 20th July. The usually responsive dev team never responded, but the dev liquidator altered its behavior since then and started spamming about 20,000 bad transactions on-chain in a further effort to obfuscate the actual on-chain activity.

Privileged Access

Since we use the term privileged access, I want to specify what we mean by it. Privileged access, in this case, is an advantage in getting the price solely because the same team runs both the price feed bot and the dev liquidator. All of the scenarios below should count as privileged access:

  • The price feed bot and dev liquidator is now in the same process, and the two wallets are sending the price_feed tx and liquidation tx sequentially
  • The price feed bot uses inter-process communication to tell the dev liquidator the price immediately after sending the async tx
  • The price feed bot and dev liquidator are in the same server with a local node, the price feed bot send the tx to the local LCD, and the price feed bot reads the local mempool, which is guaranteed to have the price_feed tx first
  • Some contrived attempt at decentralization theater which still guarantees the dev liquidator is the first to read the price from the mempool, IE:

On-Chain Analysis

In case you aren’t familiar with the Terra and Anchor Protocol liquidations, let’s establish some facts to get us on the same page:

  • The current Terra version is Columbus-4
  • It uses Tendermint 33.9, and there is no transaction ordering. All transactions are processed in a FIFO queue by the mempool
  • Frontrunning a transaction that is already in the mempool isn’t possible since the mempool is processed first-in-first-out
  • Backrunning the price_feed tx rarely happens because transactions can’t be prioritized
  • The Anchor Protocol oracle is updated by a single trusted address controlled by the dev team
  • The dev liquidator is terra18kgwjqrm7mcnlzcy7l8h7awnn7fs2pvdl2tpm9
  • The price feed bot is terra1zue382qey9l5uhhwcwumjhmsne49a0agwhd60d
  • Detected suspicious activity around block height 3757709, and contacted dev team on discord around block height 3816781
  • We assume that validators are not colluding to reorder transactions in the mempool to extract MEV for the dev liquidator
  • The data presented here is reproducible with open-sourced code available in this github repo. Fell free to look through the code and independently verify the data

After block 3757709, we noticed that the dev liquidator started backrunning the price_feed tx in most liquidation attempts, while historically, that happened approximately 10% of the time. This increase in backrunning suggested that the dev liquidator received the price off-chain, and the price_feed tx and liquidation tx were sent consecutively. To test our intuition, we analyzed all liquidation attempts by the dev liquidator and plotted them with matplotlib.

In our code, we assume any liquidation transactions processed immediately after the price_feed tx to be backrun and all other liquidation transactions to be normal.

Immediately we notice the noise generated by the dev liquidator after we contacted the dev team. Instead of letting those 20,000 bad transactions cloud our analysis, we will ignore them because it doesn’t matter what the dev liquidator did after we contacted the dev team. If we can prove that the dev liquidator had privileged access to the price between blocks 3757709–3816781, then we know that they aren’t an honest actor. So let’s run, which now stops at block height 3816781.

Now we plot the same graph of other liquidators taken from Extraterrestrial Finder’s liquidator list and compare the dev liquidator to other Anchor Protocol liquidators.

Finally, let’s generate some backrunning stats for all liquidators.

Before block 3757709, the most performant liquidators usually backrun the price_feed tx from 10–12% of the time.

After block 3757709, the dev liquidator is backrunning the price_feed tx 83.82% of the time, implying an order of magnitude speed increase. Our internal testing, using a sample size of a thousand transactions over a week, shows us that the latency required between two transactions to backrun each other 84–90% of the time is likely at the inter-process communication level or faster.

For us internally, the increase in backrunning from 9.18% to 83.82% is concrete proof that the dev liquidator now has privileged access to the oracle price. But for this writeup, we are not claiming that the dev liquidator is a dishonest actor based on those statistics because of the complexity required to verify that claim and since a much more rigorous and easily verifiable proof exists.

Proof of Corruption

Let’s assume that the dev liquidator is an honest, unprivileged actor and that validators aren’t colluding to extract MEV for the dev liquidator by reordering transactions.

The fastest way to liquidate is to read the price_feed tx from the mempool and send the liquidation tx. Since the Tendermint 33.9 mempool used in the Terra Columbus-4 chain is a FIFO queue, the price_feed tx is already queued ahead of any liquidation attempt and can’t be frontrun.

Now, let’s run to check if the dev liquidator frontruns the price_feed tx between blocks 3757709–3816781. We get the following output of frontrun transaction hashes:


Now we can put even more granular detail on the dev liquidator stats between blocks 3757709–3816781:

backrun: 855
normal: 126
frontrun: 39

How is it possible for the dev liquidator to frontrun the price_feed tx if it’s reading that transaction from the mempool? There are only two scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: The dev liquidator is randomly spamming liquidation transactions without waiting to read the price_feed tx from the mempool, and sometimes those transactions end up right before the price_feed tx
  • Scenario 2: The dev liquidator is not reading the mempool. Instead, the dev liquidator is getting the price off-chain directly from the price feed bot, and both transactions are sent async consecutively. Since Tendermint nodes use a goroutine per transaction, it can’t guarantee that those two async transactions are processed in order all of the time, and sometimes accidental frontruns happen

Just looking at the dev liquidator stats, we know that scenario 1 is probabilistically impossible. Still, we conclusively rule it out by manually checking the liquidator’s behavior before and after the frontrun in the link below. We include links to both the transaction and the block to make independent verification as easy as possible.

First Frontrun

The frontrun_analysis page shows that the dev liquidator was perfectly backrunning the price_feed tx before and after the accidental frontrun, so we know that the liquidator was not randomly spamming transactions but is instead precisely reacting to price changes.

Since the dev liquidator can’t read the mempool for the price_feed tx and frontrun the same price_feed tx, it is getting that price off-chain, and the only credible explanation is scenario 2.


Based on this evidence, it is clear that the dev liquidator is a dishonest actor, and the dev team is abusing its privileged position of running the price feed bot.

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