Daisy Ridley, a Star Wars Legend in the Making.

Alice Quinn
3 min readSep 18, 2017


As most Star Wars fans know, On the 15th of December, 2017, Daisy Ridley will be starring in her second film, Star Wars, The Last Jedi. Her first role was as the character Rey in the movie, Star Wars The Force Awakens. Now, she is returning as to what looks like an even better appearance than the last. Star Wars fans alike are eagerly awaiting her arrival to see how her character, Rey, has developed further, as well as her amazing acting skills unveil to an even more astounding level.

An article on The Week, called “Daisy Ridley: Who is the young actress behind Star Wars 7’s Rey?”, talks about how director JJ Abrams Ridley’s comments on Daisy’s performance in the movie. “We were very lucky to find some great people but the truth is, it wasn’t until we found Daisy that we just felt like she was capable of doing all of the things that the character required.” (The Week) She absolutely blew the casting director away and went beyond the expectations that she was given. Her acting has really shown her ability to develop the character in many ways, especially during her audition tapes. She was immediately accepted into the program because she astonished the casting director by acting out a realistic torture scene that would later be used as a scene in the movie.

In an another article, “A Big Thank You To The New Actors Of Star Wars: The Force Awakens!” it is said that “Daisy is without a doubt one of the shining stars of The Force Awakens. This is Daisy’s first feature film and she nailed it! Her acting was always on par, and her portrayal of Rey was perfect.” (Cory) As said here, he believes that that visual and acting of Rey were excellent!

But I have found that others in this universe would completely disagree. Many articles and blog posts online are about Daisy’s terrible portrayal and acting. Many say she should never have even been in the movies. As said by Henry Barnes, in his article, “The Force Awakens: is the acting strong in this one?” He believes that her acting was a bit amateurish, and a too stiff, almost as if she was lost and was not comfortable in her surroundings. “Unsurprisingly, she looks a little bit lost. She plays Rey, a scavenger who’s supposed to be tough, independent and wise beyond her years — characteristics which, in the hands of an inexperienced actor, often come across as scowly, scowly and scowly.” (Henry Barnes)

As I am a very big Star Wars fan, I was very nervous to see how the actors of Star Wars The Force Awakens would bring back the reputation of the original Star Wars movies, and try and meet what is considered some of the best acting in the movie industry. So I admit, going into the movie theater I was a bit skeptical. I was worried and almost stubborn, unwilling to be open to a change. I later found out that it was a mistake, because I was completely blown away. I completely believe that Daisy Ridley did a beautiful job in portraying the emotions and feelings of previous Star Wars movies, and dare I say, almost better. I felt almost a realistic connection with her throughout the movie. Her face was the complete opposite of stoic and was almost like a mirror to what her character was feeling inside. While watching the original movies as a small child, I felt it was a bit hard to connect with the heroes and villains, because of the almost Mary/Gary sue acting that was portrayed. Of course, this can be seen as a classic form of acting, and I still love it. But once I saw Daisy’s character Rey, I felt that she had a more realistic approach to the Star Wars universe, with a direct approach to a more complex character. I believe that she deserves to be rewarded immensely for her beautiful and phenomenal performance. I am beyond excited to see her become an amazing inspirational actress of the Star Wars universe, as well as the universe that we live in.

