Charlotte Franklin
2 min readSep 12, 2016


Since you asked, have you taken responsibility for your misstep of taking on too much? One of the best ways to restore faith outside of proving with your actions that you can be trusted again is to be completely honest that you made a mistake that you are sorry for. Please don’t try to shrug it off and pretend that you are not affected by what has happened. Now is not the time to play superman.

You are human and you made a mistake. We all do it. Look to your team for suggestions on how to fix things. That will help rebuild their confidence in you to admit to them that you are not a lone wolf who needs nothing and nobody. Any lone wolf tendencies or tendencies toward giving the appearance of perfection and that everything is fine should be fought vigorously right now.

The same strategy should be used to some degree with the supervisors that you let down. Go to them with your hat in your hand and with real actionable items to repair the damage that you have caused. Rebuilding trust will take longer with them but will absolutely pay off in spades eventually, especially if you can prove to them that you can put your ego aside and do what’s best for the business.

I do wish you luck with this. I am an old poop now but I have been where you are and remember how bad it sucks. In hindsight, I can see that I was much harder on myself than I needed to be because my mistake wasn’t as fatal as I thought it was at the time. The good news is that time brings perspective and as bad as this feels right now, you will be better and stronger for it. Really.



Charlotte Franklin

An occasional pearl of wisdom from a craggy chunk of sand.