Charlotte Franklin
1 min readApr 7, 2017


Welcome to the fray! I am in my mid-forties and thankfully I have survived and remained astonishingly child-free for all of this time.

It took me many years to figure out why people did not understand my feelings about not wanting children and questioned me on them regularly. For many people the urge to procreate is primal and beneath language. It’s an urge that can’t be explained away or subject to scrutiny because it is just “there” and terribly strong. The reason why they tell you that “You’ll change your mind” is because they personally felt neutral or negative about childbearing at one point but then the biological clock kicked in and they got baby-fever. They assume that the same thing will happen to you but the truth is, it just doesn’t happen to everyone.

So the next time someone tells you that you might change your mind, just nod knowingly at them. They are projecting. Never forget that people want you to validate their life choices by making the same ones for yourself. Stay strong, sister! This is a temporary issue that quite fortunately diminishes over time. :)



Charlotte Franklin

An occasional pearl of wisdom from a craggy chunk of sand.