Happy Birthday to me

If you’re reading this, it’s too late, I’m already 28.

Cristal Ruiz
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

Yes, that’s right. It’s been a decade since I became an “adult.” What does an adult do, you may ask? Well let me tell you. You figure life out on your own. This includes moving out my freshman year of college with no car, staying in school after flunking my first semester and getting pregnant. These are stories for the future. Stay tuned.

No make-up. No smile. Just me on a boat.

Life has definitely been a journey to say the least. I feel fortunate but I’m also realistic that I’ve been through some hardships that I am still working through. These are just a few of the lessons I learned this year.

1. Another year of life is a blessing.

Age is nothing but a number showing the wisdom you have gained through your life experience. One more year means 365 days to learn from my past. More chances to be more present and to achieve my dreams. In these moments, I choose to recognize the blessing of a fresh start.

2. You can’t do life alone.

I thought if I didn’t rely on anyone but myself, I would be better off. I got by but eventually my method came to a breaking point. Humans are social beings who thrive in community. I’ve grown to rely not only family and friends but also professionals who can guide me to to a better well-being.

Cheat code. Photo credit: Cristal Ruiz

3. Vulnerability is a conscious choice, in order to be seen and heard.

While being more open and showing more of myself to others is difficult, it is possible. An example is me writing and sharing this piece. There are many ways in which I have hid but I am ready to show more of me in every way. So here’s to another year of falling, getting up, and being seen.

4. You can be depressed while being blessed.

I was depressed and I didn’t recognize it. I had two beautiful children and a support system. I was sad but it was more during moments alone, away from my children. I felt frustrated as to why I felt this way. Especially, since I’ve always been a positive person regardless of the circumstance. I can now say, I’m in a better place, thanks to my therapist who caught it.

5. Love is necessary.

I have always given my love out first. Slowly, I stopped loving myself. I am now giving myself more love and self-care which includes body, mind and soul. This includes trying new things like water aerobics and being more creative.

Waiting to blossom. Photo credit: Lavelle Pratt

As I continue to challenge myself this year, I will continue to grow and be grateful for another year of life.

