Isa Muhammad
7 min readMar 3, 2020


Here Are The 5 Cool New Google Well-being Apps.

I know a lot of users out there very often want to get their hands on a phone that that supports the well-being feature. And for a while now now it’s been known that the well-being feature usually comes with only a few devices out there. While most of these devices are usually high end devices, or either running the latest Android 10 or simply has a tendency of uniqueness that was instilled in it by it’s makers. There’s yet a whole bunch of devices out there that are deprived of this amazing feature known as Well-being.

But luckily for Android users, Google has come to the aid of many android owners out there who are eagerly chewing their nails in anticipation of one day getting their hands on one of the cool sleek devices out there that happen to support the well-being feature, they don't have to wait any longer as Google has made it quite simple for lots of users to experience it.

Google created experimental well-being apps to aid users with their daily phone usage and monitor their activities. On this list we'll be sharing with you the 5 really cool well-being apps from Google that you should definitely try out.

1- Dessert Island

The first app on my list is Dessert Island. This app is really cool, it’s more like a challenge. Google created this app to help you focus, to challenge you and keep you occupied with a limited number of apps. What this means is that the app challenges you to select upto 7 of the apps you cannot go a day without. That’s it, 7 apps, they’ll be displayed on your home screen and you will only have access to those choosen apps only. Simply pick the apps that are most important to you, then give it a go for 24 hours.

Of course, you can, at anytime switch back to your usual launcher app or simply click a button on the dessert island app and open any other app you want to use other than the choosen 7. After you’ve successfully picked your seven apps, Dessert island will then record the number of times you open each of those apps for that day and give you a report on your usage by the end of the day, or whenever you choose.

If you’re struggling to stay focused either in school, work or elsewhere and you need to avoid distractions, then you might wanna give this app a try. Download from the PlayStore.

2- Morph

Another well-being app from Google. More like a twin brother to dessert island but with a slightly different or opposite feature compared to dessert island. Morph helps you stay focused, by adapting your phone to what you are doing. Simply think about how you divide your time and choose the apps that are most important to you in each mode. Based on time or place, your phone will automatically adapt - giving you just the right apps at just the right time.

When you’re at school, the app will simply pop-up the selected apps you usually use whenever you’re at school. When you’re at work, the app will pop-up your work selected apps and you can choose whichever one you want to use at that moment. This app can be a little bit complicated to use compared to dessert island. Although it looks more beautiful, we’ll crafted with a unique 3D interface design that makes it cool to use.

3- Activity Bubbles

Okay, this one is really nice. Well, for people who love black,black, black and… balls. Activity Bubbles helps you discover what your phone usage looks like in a day. Everytime you unlock your device, it creates a new bubble. Kind of a bubble falls down and lands below your screen. The longer you stay on your phone the bigger the bubble grows. Like the longer you use your phone, the bigger the next bubble that falls.

Activity Bubbles isn't just about bubbles falling each time you unlock your device, but it's also combined with a rather shiny and all black wallpaper that looks really cool on a bunch of launchers we've tried them. But when you've been on your device for too long and a gigantic bubble that is as large as your phone screen falls down, well, you're not gonna love the wallpaper that much :).

4- Screen Stopwatch

Funny enough the name of this app already entails everything it does. Yes, it's an actual STOPWATCH that's gonna be on your device homescreen. But here's the coo part, also being a Well-being app, this app is here to help you keep an eye on how much time you spend on your phone. It's basically your wallpaper, then there's this huge stopwatch that'll be on your homescreen and whenever you unlock your device, it starts to count. As soon as you unlock your phone, the watch begins to count and keep a record of how much time and attention you give to your phone.

There's no stopping this well-being app. It doesn't matter if you're watching a movie, playing a song, reading a book, but as long as your device is unlocked, the clock is ticking away. Sorry if I'm making it sound like a horror app, well, it can be if you're a phone addict and you try it out and see how many hours and hours you spend on your phone each day. This app is one of our favorite amongst all Google's experimental well-being apps because it kinda never stops doing its job and it also comes with a clean dark wallpaper to go along.

5- Post Box

As much I love saying "we’ve saved the best for last," this app is cool, but it’s not the best well-being app out there. Although what it does is really cool. Sometimes we get too busy with work, school, perhaps domestic work like babysitting that little fella or something else. And there’s like shit ton of notifications popping in every now and then and there’s no time to look them all up at once. Well, this app is a fix for that.

Post Box helps you minimize distractions, by holding on to your notifications until a time that suits you. Simply choose how often you’d like your notifications to be delivered. When they arrive, they’ll be neatly organised for you to go through. Sounds nice huh? There are apps that’ll make you, using a mid-range device feel like you’re actually holding a giant flagship device on your hands.

The app will ask you how often you want to receive notifications. Once a week? Once a day? Twice? Your choice. Once done, you’ll choose a time you want to receive your notifications and when that time is due, they’ll be neatly arranged for the boss. But hey, seriously though, this app blocks off everything. I’m not kidding. Hell, you can’t even receive messages on your phone anymore unless you open up your messaging app. It’s kinda straightforward.

Well guys, I hope you’ve enjoyed my post on Google’s new well-being apps. Kindly note that all the above listed apps can be downloaded from the Google PlayStore. Also, some of these apps are still in Beta stages and Google is still working on them. Your feedbacks matter a lot. So if you notice anything fishy or buggy while using this app, head straight to the Google PlayStore and lay down a feedback. There are a few other Well-being apps out there, but the above listed are the ones we believe are not inconsequential. Stay tuned for my next post!




Isa Muhammad

Oh hey there! I cover the games industry for a living and I'm using this ‘medium' as a safe haven to share my unbiased thoughts on some of the games I've played