5 Martial Artists, 10 Quotes & 3 Learning’s.

Daily Inspiration
2 min readJan 28, 2016

Life is like an art.

Why not learn to lead it from artists then?

Here are 3 life-learning’s from some of the great artists. Martial Artists to be precise. Martial Artists who have practiced rigorous training all through their life and learnt to look within than outside.

The 10 quotes from 5 martial arts (all-time greats) bring us back to reality to let us focus on the important things in life.

Be Nice.

Jackie Chan
Jet Li
Mas Oyama

Be Yourself.

Bruce Lee
Jackie Chan
Bruce Lee

Be Strong

Jet Li
Yip Man
Mas Oyama
Jackie Chan

Going deep, the three learning’s for life: “Be Nice | Be Yourself | Be Strong” provide a clear answer whenever we are at crossroads of our lives.

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Be Nice :)

