Cloud Node Masternode Setup

4 min readJul 6, 2019


This guide will help you setup an Cloud Node Maternode on Ubuntu 16.10

Alternatively, you can also use our Masternode Hosting Service, which saves time and a lot of money!

Website :

Minimum Requirements:

  1. We recommend to choose a VPS running Ubuntu 16.10 with a minimum 1cpu and 1gb ram. This will be referred in article as remote wallet.
    The VPS should have its own individual IP Address.
  2. Minimum masternode collateral in local wallet as follows:
    10,000,000 CDS collateral ( and 1 or 2 Coins for transaction fee)

Local Wallet Setup:

  1. Download the latest local wallet for your operating system:
  2. Make sure you have enough collateral for a masternode as indicated above in the minimum requirements.
  3. Go to the Receive tab in the local wallet, Type in the Label: MN1 or another alias to give your masternode, and then click the Request Payment button.

4. Send exactly the collateral amount 10,000,000 CDS to this address in step. Then wait for 16 confirmations. Always double check the address you are sending to is the correct address, otherwise CDS will be lost.

5. Click on Tools -> Debug Console. Here you should type in masternode genkey. This will give you the masternode private key, please save this in a safe place.

6. After the 16 confirmations in step 4 are complete, go again to Tools -> Debug Console. This time type in masternode outputs. This will give you the TX of the key, and the output. Save these both, we will use them shortly.

7. Click on Tools -> Open Masternode Configuration File. This will open a text file for the masternode configuration. Type in the following information below in one line:

<alias> <IP:port> <masternodeprivkey> <collateral_output_txid> <collateral_output_index><Alias>:                   Label from Step 3. Example: MN1
<IP:port>: IP is the unique IP address of your VPS. . Port is always going to be 7070.
<masternodeprivkey>: The masternode private key from step 5.
<collateeral_output_txid>: The tx ID from step 6.
<collateral_output_index>: The outputidx from step 6, usually 0 or 1

Save the configuration file and restart the wallet.

Remote Wallet Setup:

Part 1: Clone repository and compile:

  1. Login to your Ubuntu VPS machine with your SSH client. Type the following commands:
git clone
cd cds-mn-installer
chmod -R 755

2. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Part 2: Start the masternode:

  1. Return back to the local wallet.
  2. Open Tools -> Debug Console: and type:

startmasternode "alias" "0" "MN1"

Congratulations, you have started your Cloudenode Masternode!

Additional Notes:


cloudenode-cli getinfo
cloudenode-cli mnsync status
cloudenode-cli masternode status

Check/Start/Stop Node on Ubuntu 16.10 (run as root):

systemctl status CLOUDENODE.service #To check the service is   running.systemctl start CLOUDENODE.service #To start UltraPayCoin service.systemctl stop CLOUDENODE.service #To stop UltraPayCoin service.systemctl is-enabled CLOUDENODE.service #To check whetether UltraPayCoin service is enabled on boot or not. 

If you want more Masternodes on same VPS you can use This Guide:
Multiple Cloud Node v2 Masternode How To


Please note this is an unofficial release by members of the Cloud Node v2 Community and not the Cloud Node v2 Team itself. The content of these pages and associated media should be used as a guide and not official Cloud Node v2 information. Content published by the authors has been made for informational and educational purposes only. The authors do not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the content. The authors hereby disclaim any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damagaes arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is, and without warranties.

