WikiLeaks keeps up with the times

2 min readDec 23, 2017


Today, the structure of Julian Assange appeared in the cryptocurrency world`s news feed twice, which indicates that the blochchain technology did not pass by this scandalous organization.

First, the company announced its intention to accept donations in several cryptocurrencies. The reason for this decision is the fact that the non-profit organization Freedom of the Press Foundation, which stands at the threshold of protecting the free press, notified WikiLeaks about the termination of mediation between donors, who transfer using Visa, MasterCard and PayPal payment systems, and the organization. Thus, the resource-exposer is in the “banking blockade”, and cryptocurrencies in this situation are very useful.

The second news was very amusing, once again proving that Assange is a real troll. It’s safe to say that there is not a single person interested in technology and cryptocurrency news who would not have heard of the CryptoKitties project that had created a cork in the Ethereum blockchain. As it turned out, those guys also have not ignore this fun. The thing is that the first couple of crypto-kittens, named Mr. and Mrs. WikiLeaks, the company presented to US President Donald Trump, as well as a former US Secretary of the USA and a presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The organization did not forget to remind Trump that the kitten costs several thousand dollars and that it must be officially registered, after which the gift will become federal property and will pass from a president to a president.

Admit that is very cute!

