King Arthur’s Quest

The Holy Grail

Nicholas Teague
From the Diaries of John Henry
10 min readJun 30, 2018


The first time I saw the latest Indiana Jones epic Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I didn’t really care for it, I thought it was just too over the top and a bit of a let-down. However after rewatching the rest of the series it kind of grew on me, I think it works better in the context of the other movies, as it certainly ties up a few loose ends and hints at a few more strings to explore should further audience ever materialize. The formula for an Indiana Jones picture is pretty straight forward: constant adrenaline bordering on chaos, a hero’s brush with some evil empire, an airplane ride or two, the cartoon treatment of religious symbols, a little romantic teasing, a ragtag supporting cast of characters and caricatures, and a protagonist that finds himself with an absurd amount of obstacles — each cleared by only the skin of his teeth, usually after most others had already written him off. I think the feature I most envy of these stories is some definite goal or measure of success, difficult but in the end achievable. A quest from on high — whether for an arc, magical stones, or a holy grail.

***We apologize for the fault in this essay. Those responsible for reviewing the wrong movie have been sacked.***

Louis Armstrong — Zip a Dee dooh dah

***We apologize again for the fault in this essay. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked. The rest of this essay’s introduction will be completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.***

Harlan’s Ground Sloth — This medium-sized ground sloth stood a little over six feet tall and weighed about 1500 pounds. Its simple, flat, grinding teeth indicate that it probably preferred a diet of grass.
Numpy Buffalo, an ancestor of the modern western Buffalo of Keras region, its teeth indicate an affinity for gluten and dairy free dishes.
An array of wolf skulls. Note the incisors, these creatures were known to dislike the moose.
Teeth of the now extinct galloping Scikit Horse, friend to all moose.

England, 932 A.D.

It doesn’t take a French physicist to know that a pair of African swallows are perfectly capable of transporting a coconut through some migratory pattern with appropriate loading characteristics (assuming they ever migrate in the first place). It’s kind of funny what some physicists will ponder given appropriate cause. The great Richard Feynman once told a joke to a class full of students about Albert Einstein. He said Einstein was a giant among men, with his head in the clouds and his feet on the ground. After a pregnant pause: “The rest of us have to choose one”. A physicist first, Einstein was still no stranger to international affairs, and many still turn to his quotes on politics, religion, or life for inspiration:

God’s own country becomes stranger and stranger, but somehow they manage to return to normality. Everything — even lunacy — is mass produced here. But everything goes out of fashion very quickly. — Albert Einstein

Big Chief — Professor Longhair

The Python England has its own set of political conventions. For example, instead of electing their officials they relied on strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords, such moist tarts being the source of extreme executive power. That is not to say that there was no citizen participation, some peasants didn’t even know they had a king and formed collectives full of shared responsibilities, rotating executive power, and with decisions ratified by a committee of their peers. Sometimes this would result in conflict between edicts from on high and citizen desire for autonomy from oppression. If you want my two cents I would consider this a healthy dynamic.

The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure. — Albert Einstein

There wasn’t a great deal of class mobility for the peasants of Python. It was only the rare case of some valiant act or overcoming some contested outcome that an aspiring minor knight could prove their valiance and win a seat at the round table. If there is a lesson of the film here, it is that any such errant knight would be wise not to scoff at such an invitation, lest he might end up with a flesh wound or two (even if it’s just a scratch). For some odd reason I’m reminded of an old Greek myth about a ragtag ship, the Ship of Theseus, that after embarking on a long journey fell into disrepair, and had to gradually be repaired and replaced by the crew, piece by piece, such that by journey’s end none of the original construction remained — which then begs the question, is this still the same ship upon arrival? Consider that at any given time in your body, the cells that make up your organs are at times withering or being replaced. Now consider a knight losing some use of his legs, a noble lady whose elbow doesn’t bend as far as it once did. I think the lesson of this myth is that in the end the individual elements are less important than some emergent property of the group from which we may derive an identity — whether they be a country’s citizens from generation to generation, or the cells in our brain that collectively enable a consciousness — the emergent form independent of any, or even over time all, of its constituent elements. So then if the collective is independent of the elements, is some propagated change even possible? I’m reminded of a friend from college who used to tell me that people never change, that you could always count on that. It took me a while to craft a sufficient retort, but some song lyrics now come to mind that I think counter this point perfectly.

If you want to be someone else, change your mind. — Sister Hazel

And now for something completely different!

On second thought let’s not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.

Arthur and the knights’ true quest finally begins with an edict from God, speaking down as a head in the clouds. The idea that there is a higher power who even exists is controversial to some, but to extend it to that of a maker who actively engages with humanity in the present day is not even universally accepted amongst the devout. I have no pretenses that I might actually be able to reason my way through this possibility, but I will offer here a small thought that at least for me has helped make the question easier to contemplate. In his book Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis offers a theory of God as existing outside of time, where if we were to draw a symbolic straight line of the arrow of time experienced by humanity, God would be the page upon which it is drawn — simultaneously aware of and engaged with the entirety of the representation. Consider that many physicists are actively trying to prove the existence of dimensions beyond the four we experience (three of space plus one of time), expecting to find as many as eleven, derived from elegant properties of mathematics but so far largely hidden from the view of conscious beings. Consider too that most of the laws of physics are invariant with respect to the direction of time, meaning their equations work equally well independent of the direction upon which time’s arrow is applied, a chief exception being the second law of thermodynamics. So what would it mean for a God of higher dimensions to interact with a mortal, how would a knight communicate with a Being of the multiverse, or interestingly consider the same question in reverse.

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. — Albert Einstein

The French taunting taking them completely by surprise, Arthur decided the knights — being independently brave, pure, not quite so brave, or otherwise not appearing in this film — should separate and search for the grail independently. But in a silly way.

Ella Fitzgerald — Air Mail Special

Sir Galahad, the Pure

Is a little tittertit of hilarity. I have seen the grail! It is here! Skit skit cee dat da dip a dee doo. Open up your eyes and you will see too. What is your name sweet Zute? Mine is the pure. Dum dum dee la da tee. Off to clutch, Glugg! Forwhat! Shape your rears Glugg! Open the door, the grail is enough! — Oh no, bad bad Zute, wicked bad naughty cute. You would not refuse our hospitality? My sister is Zute. It is a lonely life. Cleaning and Dressing. Making things too. Sum ska ca skittery sa sa seree. Have you monbreamstone? Or Hellfeurersteyn? Do you need help? The doctor is in. — Oh I am enjoying this scene too much, get on with it I must. Am I in great peril? Ring we round, Chuff! Farewell! All’s rice with their whorl!

Dizzy Gillespie & Joe Carroll — Ool Ya Koo

The Knights who Say Things

Any grand quest, when inspected closely, can be thought of as a series of smaller quests put together, each with their own theme or conventions. Some may be musical quests, some philosophical, some exploring code or equations, and some even poetry. Sometimes, no matter how important the task is at hand, you’re forced to set everything aside to simply go to the store and buy a shrubbery. If you believe as I do that life is not about the destination, but the journey, then you will learn to cherish each of these distractions as they cross your path. In his moving commencement address since published under the monicker This is Water, David Foster Wallace tells the story of some poor office drone stuck in a kind of lonely repetitive suburban hell, with rush hour commutes, listless work days followed by retail mazes ending in long lines surrounded by anonymous inconsiderate shoppers — many of the daily trappings (let’s face it) experienced by a sizable portion of this country. Wallace doesn’t use this story to convince us that we should tune out this drudgery, he instead calls for us to take in this experience for what it is, the building blocks of a life, the water in which we swim. That annoying lone gas-guzzling SUV driver may have had a traumatic car accident a while back and since feels more comfortable on the roads with a larger vehicle, that obnoxious lady at the counter may be dealing with the stress of a hard to diagnose medical condition. The point is that we have it within us to shape how we perceive the world, where we direct our attention, and how we think about those few souls with whose path we have been fortunate enough to cross. We all have our own cross to bear, if you’re going to be up there anyway, why not choose to look on the bright side of life? Oh, and if you do find yourself on a quest for a shrubbery, consider getting a second one while you’re at the store, that way you can put it beside the first, only slightly higher so you get a two level effect. Ni! Ni! Ni!

Eric Idle — Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald — They All Laughed

Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!

*For further readings please check out my Table of Contents, Book Recommendations, and Music Recommendations.

Books that were referenced here or otherwise inspired this post:

Feynman and Computation— Anthony Hey

Feynman and Computation

Einstein — Walter Isaacson


Louis Armstrong — Laurence Bergreen

Louis Armstrong

Mere Christianity — C.S. Lewis

Mere Christianity

This is Water — David Foster Wallace

This is Water

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Albums that were referenced here or otherwise inspired this post:

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (blue-ray)

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

What a Wonderful World — Satchmo

Louis Armstrong Live

Live on the Queen Mary — Professor Longhair

Live on the Queen Mary

Ella and Louis — Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald

Ella and Louis

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Hi, I’m an amateur blogger writing for fun. If you enjoyed or got some value from this post feel free to like, comment, or share. I can also be reached on linkedin for professional inquiries or twitter for personal.

For further readings please check out my Table of Contents, Book Recommendations, and Music Recommendations.



Nicholas Teague
From the Diaries of John Henry

Writing for fun and because it helps me organize my thoughts. I also write software to prepare data for machine learning at Consistently unique.