How to Use Customer Lifetime Value for eCommerce?

Perpetto Team
2 min readMay 31, 2016


Customer Lifetime Value is a key metric that illustrates a prediction of the net profit of an entire future relationship with a customer in eCommerce and other businesses.

And today we know that CLV also empowers online retailers to build their business strategy and allocate their marketing expenses and organizational efforts in a way to benefit the most valuable customers — those that buy more; purchase more often and tend to be loyal to the brand.

Peter Fader,Professor of Marketing

“Find more growth through identifying and building the business around the valuable customers.”,
-Peter Fader

Knowing your CLV for eCommerce can help you:

Segment your customer basis in a smarter and more precise way.

Define objectives — growth, turnover, future sales, net profit.

Balance other KPIs like acquisition cost, repeat purchase rate, growth in average shopping basket value, churn rate and more.

Forecast the customer satisfaction.

Innovate and optimize the marketing tools, tactics and channels.

Adjust the communication campaigns and messages.

Conduct adequate and more profitable loyalty programs as well as reactivation campaigns towards the right customers.

Cross-sell and up-sell based on individual patterns of buying.
And even more.

And that is a necessary transformation for any online shop as to meet the customer’s need for an individual treat.

Yet, only 5% of online shops actually measure and use CLV.

Learn more about how to calculate CLV, what is its business impact, how to start or improve CLV and its drivers:


